Not paid for last sale

It's been ages 12th Nov and I've not been paid by Ebay , I've changed my account details and (with regret), given them my PASSWAD to this account.

They now say its on hold till 27th Nov 


It's impossible to contact a  eBay  human.


Any help from here ,might get my 160.00 bucks into my account.




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Answers (4)

You are a new or infrequent seller and as such your funds will be on hold.  If you get paid on the 27th you have done well, as the hold is normally 30 days.

As for the passwad,  I presume you mean you used the direct bank account verification method, rather than the micro deposits system.  while this may be the quickest way to verify a bank account,it does not reduce the holding time of funds.

12th November was 8 days ago


As a new seller (a seller who has not sold in a long time) your funds are on hold for 30 days (as you agreed to) when you listed


Assuming you fully and correctly signed up to Managed Payments


Contacting a human is not going to change the same policy that apply to every other seller


My Bank said NO WAY ,no account PASSWORD . so I  changed it ,,,simple .


Getting information about this problem was worse than getting teeth extracted, darn  painful .

I did end up with a Ebay Human who rang me and told me what was wrong, Ide put the wrong tracking number in and now I have to wait till Dec 13 for my sale money.


eBay should  take a leaf out of Amazons Book  ,even Temu Sales is easier and far better.



I have no idea what you mean by “giv[ing] them my PASSWAD”.