Ebay STOP on Listing more upmarket Designer items

Problem free buying Member since 2011, only started selling since Aug/Sept 2020 also problem free.  Selling mix of authentic high end Designer stock plus general items, hve sold arnd 8 items.  Feeback positive, if left.  Begining this month Ebay put a STOP on me listing more up-market goods, Hermes, LV, Prada until I obtain 25 positive feedbacks & or 90 days selling has expired.  I'm not even selling 25 items - have not had any negative feedback as a buyer or seller.  I've well exceed the 90 days but I'm well under the 25 feedbacks & probably deceased b4 I hit the target.  Have 6 items sitting in DRAFT form, ready to go, until eBay lift the STOP Order.


Tried speaking with eBay but as usual they offered every assistance short of actual help.  Told me to list any old thing to bring up feedback numbers.  Can anyone suggest an alternative?  Thank you.

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Even when you get to the 25 feedback eBay will still probably not let you list Hermes, LV and Prada items unless you are an authorised reseller, because they are all covered by the VERO policies.

