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Problem free buying Member since 2011, only started selling since Aug/Sept 2020 also problem free. Selling mix of authentic high end Designer stock plus general items, hve sold arnd 8 items. Feeback positive, if left. Begining this month Ebay put a S...
How can I tell how long a listing has been on ebay?
Can 1 seller list a handbag twice at the same time in two different listings - one as an auction, the other listing showing a BIN price.thks ..... bb
Can 1 seller list a handbag twice at the same time in two different listings - one as an auction, the other listing showing a BIN price.thks ..... bb
I don''t know if I'm in the right section - I thought I saw a sizing comparison chart for women's clothing - showing as an example Europe size 40 equals USA size 10 equals UK size 16? I'm going nutty - can someone please point me in the right directi...
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