on โ11-03-2020 05:43 PM
Does anyone get thw 1.10 weekends anymore? I got som e nic collectables to sell. Rather not give those scumbags anymore than I have too.
on โ14-03-2020 10:56 AM
@max-power-models wrote:...Calling them is just talking to well trained parrots...
I should call them -- it'd be a refreshing change to the untrained parrots that carry on in here.
on โ14-03-2020 02:03 PM
I got the same alert , when i clicked on the alert I could log into app.
on โ14-03-2020 08:38 PM
@max-power-models wrote:Funny it's always a small group of people that puff their chests out for ebay. Maybe it was the time when they refunded another scumbag. But let him keep the item.
Some of us don't believe in bitting the hand that feeds us. I only defend ebay when they're in the right but those who attack them do it without ever considering what ebay does for them. Those who expect everything for nothing are more one-sided than those of us who expect to pay for what we get.
on โ14-03-2020 11:09 PM
If its of any help to anyone I just scrolled down ebays home page and there was an ad for Mega Weekend FVF $1.10 clicked on and it accepted it starts on the 16th-17th.I know thats not the weekend but if it works all good.
on โ15-03-2020 11:30 AM
on โ15-03-2020 11:50 AM
Hi all, like wendy and books I just received the same offer on today sunday - weekends only - but it is 16th - 17th which is tommorrow monday? can anyone shed some light on this. not showing in my promo offers either once accepted - even though was emailed.
on โ15-03-2020 11:52 AM
@lotsamagsnbags wrote:Hi all, like wendy and books I just received the same offer on today sunday - weekends only - but it is 16th - 17th which is tommorrow monday? can anyone shed some light on this. not showing in my promo offers either once accepted - even though was emailed.
It won't show in your promos until it is live. They never do.
on โ15-03-2020 11:53 AM
itsnot under the selling bits it was on my ebay home page sroll down near end. Yes same as other dates are 16 and 17th which isnt weekend
on โ15-03-2020 12:04 PM
on โ15-03-2020 12:31 PM
I just received an email giving me the offer so maybe check your msgs.Hope you all get it.