100's of FAKE "views" added daily to items I have listed for sale.

Items (pot plants) which normally sell or reach the end of their selling period with perhaps only 25 - 40 "Views" at most are suddenly receiving , starting on the second day of listing 100 exactly  "views",  and always at the same time of day. The next day, another 100 or maybe 110, and the next day another 100, and so on until at the end of the selling period of 7 days there are 700 plus of these "views.

They are most certainly FAKE. No doubt about it. They could not possibly be genuine arriving in the listings always at the same time and the same round number.

Is anyone experiencing this sabotage or knows where it comes from?  It has been occurring daily for 2 months and of course it is impossible to know exactly the correct number of genuine "views"

Message 1 of 52
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100's of FAKE "views" added daily to items I have listed for sale.


"I've spoken to 14  by now in a ring-around, with now 4 with the identical non-issue as mine, all 14 in agreement as to the cause and just as worried about how and why eBay can stick their noses without permission into one's business. "


I don't know how you can possibly believe that Ebay cannot have input into your affairs on THEIR own platform. Gosh, you're in Ebay's sandbox, they absolutely can do anything they like. They can close up your account, put limitations on it, withhold funds, refund against your will, and impose additional fees for under-performing sellers etc. Not saying you are going to attract any penalties, but you have been given the privilege of listing here at their goodwill. If you don't like it, then PLEASE go somewhere else! Nobody will stop you if you think your experience here is so awful.


Finally, for the love of heaven, stop complaining about these damn views! I'm sure many of us have probably the same issue, but the difference is that NONE. OF. US. CARE. ABOUT. IT.


Good grief. It's enough already.



Message 41 of 52
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100's of FAKE "views" added daily to items I have listed for sale.

Thank you.

That must be one of the qualifications of being a help in the Forum: THAT-NONE-OF-YOU-CARE .

You must be very proud of that.

Message 42 of 52
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100's of FAKE "views" added daily to items I have listed for sale.

100's of FAKE "views" added daily to items I have listed for sale.

This is my last response on the matter.


None of us care about the issue of VIEWS, which is a different matter to trying to help a person with a genuine problem. Too many views is NOT a genuine problem.


You seem unreasonably obsessed over this, and as mentioned before, literally nobody on this member to member forum can assist you in any way. People have told you they are not bothered by it on their own seller accounts, they have told you they don't check views and they have told you they cannot help you, but you somehow seem to think there is some magical font of knowledge that is being denied to you.


So.......there are literally no answers to give you over what you see as an Ebay interference, other than to say - perhaps stop selling here for your own peace of mind? I think you will feel a lot better when you are no longer on this platform and going through what is called "Analysis Paralysis".


Message 44 of 52
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100's of FAKE "views" added daily to items I have listed for sale.


I wish someone would have told me at the start. It wold have saved us all a lot of angst while I thought I might get some understanding . I will go down fighting that in my case the accuracy of views was most important as an aid to sales - and isn't that what everyone is going on about? AN AID TO SALES. 

But I won't trouble you all for anything in future.  Your "Too Hard" basket is wide-reaching. But for the sake of any other poor soul who might ask you for help, just display your "ABANDON HOPE ALL YOU WHO ENTER HERE" sign and they might go away.

Happy Christmas.

Message 45 of 52
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100's of FAKE "views" added daily to items I have listed for sale.

Thank you.

Message 46 of 52
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100's of FAKE "views" added daily to items I have listed for sale.

Most of the questions asked have relevant answers that forum members can provide.


In this instance, your question doesn't.


From what I can glean, you have been selling your 'spare' potplants for years, but still need views to determine how much to charge and what pictures to take.


I think you need to rethink your business model. Maybe use a simple spreadsheet to keep records.

Message 47 of 52
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100's of FAKE "views" added daily to items I have listed for sale.

A. You were told at the start.


B. The only ' aid to sales ' - is your ability to sell.


C. Good luck with your 2 listings.


Don't sell me short - with over 11,000 sales - I did it - eBay - didn't.

Message 48 of 52
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100's of FAKE "views" added daily to items I have listed for sale.

A. One or two told me at the start they couldn't help. Others didn't tell me anything but it soon became obvious that as no one understood the problem they couldn't give a fig.

B. Thanks for making it obvious that you don't give anything either. It is expert photography and knowledge of recalled details of previous sales that are the aids to the sale, with the product looking the best it possibly can.

c. There are no listings. I have withdrawn them plus two others and concentrating on my speciality until hopefully the system gets back to normal. My speciality? Painting model solders to exhibition standard, and I hope you can handle this, at the rate of one in 3 to 5 weeks. I shall soon be catching up and then I'll be able to talk down to you as you have to me.

D. I am hugely grateful that you have honoured little me with the knowledge of your 11,000 sales. That was highly valuable information despite irrelevance and I sit back in wonder at the achievement.  What it has to do in these circumstances I sit back in wonder too.

Message 49 of 52
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100's of FAKE "views" added daily to items I have listed for sale.

@mykelmont wrote:

A. One or two told me at the start they couldn't help. Others didn't tell me anything but it soon became obvious that as no one understood the problem they couldn't give a fig.

B. Thanks for making it obvious that you don't give anything either. It is expert photography and knowledge of recalled details of previous sales that are the aids to the sale, with the product looking the best it possibly can.

c. There are no listings. I have withdrawn them plus two others and concentrating on my speciality until hopefully the system gets back to normal. My speciality? Painting model solders to exhibition standard, and I hope you can handle this, at the rate of one in 3 to 5 weeks. I shall soon be catching up and then I'll be able to talk down to you as you have to me.

D. I am hugely grateful that you have honoured little me with the knowledge of your 11,000 sales. That was highly valuable information despite irrelevance and I sit back in wonder at the achievement.  What it has to do in these circumstances I sit back in wonder too.

Except the two still listed? Lovely plants by the way.

Message 50 of 52
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