on โ24-04-2016 12:49 AM
So happy to be able to share in the hope it may also work for some!
on โ24-04-2016 07:58 AM
OK, now I feel picked on.
on โ24-04-2016 08:35 AM
Thank you soooo much .
It worked for me ...
on โ24-04-2016 08:40 AM
Hi curraone. I know it says nothing about stores/non-stores in the ad, but I wonder if that could be the difference?!
on โ24-04-2016 08:48 AM
Don't feel bad won't work for me either.
on โ24-04-2016 09:03 AM
worked i'm a happy little vegimite.
wouldnt ya know it, just yesterday i told another poster as next sunday was 40 new free listing days its very unlikely ebay would make any offers this month now. DOH! they must read the boards just to trip us up.
on โ24-04-2016 09:30 AM
worked for me thanks so much
on โ24-04-2016 09:36 AM
Thank you thank you thank you thank you
Seriously, I am drowning in medical bills and quite honestly at breaking point
I do have a lot to get listed, but was wasting so much time of trying to work out 'most likely to sell' within my 40 free listing
I'm going to be hard at work this after noon (in a good way)
thank you !!!!
on โ24-04-2016 09:37 AM
Thank you SO much for your tip, tippy toes. You rock
on โ24-04-2016 10:07 AM
Does anyone know yet if the auto relists are coming off as they do with the 150? Although I suppose it's best top remove the auto relist and start the listings afresh to make the most of it. We never know when freebies might all be over
on โ24-04-2016 10:16 AM
Curra, did you try the link I left? There is no mention of not being for stores. It worked for Stawks and I'm pretty sure she's got a store. Try my link.