25% off Variable Final Value Fees for New Listings

This sound good - what's the catch?




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25% off Variable Final Value Fees for New Listings

Read the terms and conditions, that will tell you what the catch is

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25% off Variable Final Value Fees for New Listings

I've read the Terms & Conditions and can't see any 'Catch'. 

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25% off Variable Final Value Fees for New Listings

That's pretty churlish Sugar - whassamatta, didn't you get the offer?   😀


I have read the terms and conditions, but don't see any catch, I was hoping more astute sellers might have noticed something.

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25% off Variable Final Value Fees for New Listings

LOL,  the best person to read the T&C's is the person taking up the offer,  I read them, and thought it was ok, but there may be something that is not good for your circumstance.   So I could say it all looks good,  but for someone else it causes issues.   People need to take responsibility for there own actions, not find others to do it.

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