on 28-08-2022 09:41 AM
Agent 1: Call your bank back & ask again about the routing number. [I did.] Try again to add payment info with 4 zeros preceding acct. Now try with 3 zeros. Now try with 2 zeros. Now try with 1 zero. Now you've tried too many times, so wait 24 hours & try again Sunday, & I'll call you back Monday. [Tried again Sunday, no change, & no call back Mon or Tue or Wed or Thu or Fri or Sat.]
Agent 2: Try again with no zeros. [Already did twice today before call. Should I try with incognito window?] No. [No change.] Now try with 4 preceding zeros. [No change.] OK, I'll switch you to Accounts.
Agent 3: Try with incognito window. [What a great idea. No change.] Now try from 'Selling Overview--Update Account Details'. [I have, many times, but ok. No change.] Now try from 'Payments--Add Payment Option'. [I have, many times, but ok. No change.] OK, I'll switch you to Managed Payments Seller Verification.
Agent 4: No, I don't know why eBay was able to take money from your account to cover the shipping label shortfall 2 days ago but cannot deposit into same account without this verification. Let's try this together. [No change.] Sorry, only thing you can do is open a new account. Chime or Sutton are online options that work so you don't have to go to another brick and mortar bank.
[Researched Chime to see if they're legit. Appear to be. Created account via laptop, but completion required installing app on phone. Install failed due to lack of phone space. Spent couple more hours choosing apps & videos & photos to delete to free space. Installed app. Completed account setup. Added as payment option on eBay. No change. "We could not verify this bank account. Choose another payment option."]
Agent 5: [After hearing history], eBay does not support Chime. [What?!] Person you spoke with is not in Managed Payment Seller Verification dept. Also you need 12 digits, so you should not have been trying with no zeros or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4, but with 6. Let's try with original bank account, with 6 preceding zeros. [No change.] Let's try with 6 zeros from incognito window. [No change.] Let's try with 6 zeros & incognito window, but let's Not select "Preferred for Selling Cost" button. [No change.] Very sorry but all you can do is try with different bank account. [I DID THAT!] Sorry, different from Chime. [Much ranting by me....] I cannot give you the name of the agent who told you to open a Chime account. I don't know why the person in Accounts would have told you they were transferring you to Managed Payment dept but did not; & I don't know why the they transferred you to told you to use Chime; & I don't know why the agent you talked to a week ago did not call you back after she said she would. I can make a note about the advice to use Chime, which is unsupported, for internal review with that agent, but no, there's no mechanism for you to request a check for your money at this point, or for you to lodge a complaint yourself, or for you to request some escalated callback about this. [Why would I open a THIRD checking acct based on advice of a FIFTH ebay agent & have any hope of success? Wouldn't that be crazy?] I'm sorry, that is the only solution.
[Every Support agent greeted me with "I see you opened your account 20 years ago; thank you for your loyalty". They're following the script they were told to; it's just such a hollow message.]
on 28-08-2022 09:58 AM
You appear to be registered in the USA, policies may be different here in Australia where you have posted this.
I suggest you post your problem on the US boards.
on 28-08-2022 10:54 AM
Customer service are usually useless.
Have you definitely checked that everything else matches - ie, your registered details, address etc all match the ID you have given? Check that there is no shortening of your name, so if your name is Joanne, make sure it's not "Jo" in your registered details. Every single thing has to match down to the last letter.
Please put your message on the US boards, and edit it for clarity. It's too long and most people won't read everything you write.
on 28-08-2022 10:55 AM
You are very kind; I did not realize I landed on AU board. Many thanks!
28-08-2022 10:57 AM - edited 28-08-2022 10:58 AM
No worries, it was good to have you Down Under for a visit. 😂
Hope you get your problem sorted out.