on 17-05-2013 04:01 PM
I've been asking 3 post offices in my area for some of these stickers for weeks now and they keep telling me they don't have any. They also haven't ordered any in for me since I've been asking, so can anyone tell me how I can get a hold of them please?
I can't seem to find them on the AP website to "order" any, unless I'm missing them somehow.
Thanks in advance.
on 17-05-2013 04:07 PM
They discontinued them, and the postie is allowed to leave parcels on your doorstep :(. I still have some left but as the postie is allowed to disregard them, they are not much use.
on 17-05-2013 04:15 PM
You'd think AP would tell me that 😐
Thanks Super Nova.
on 17-05-2013 05:07 PM
I got some from my PO here a couple of weeks back arn so next time I am there I will ask if they have another box and I will get them for you and let you know.
on 17-05-2013 05:12 PM
That would be great Sparklz, thanks!