AUSTRALIA POST still living in the past

I can't believe that Austrailia Post Airmail stickers still have to be licked / moistened to fix them to parcels.


Self adhesive stickers that do not have to be moistened were first introduced in 1964 and self adhesive airmail stickers have been used in the US for at least the last 20 years.


Its time Australia Post moved into the present and produced self adhesive Airmail stickers for their customers.



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AUSTRALIA POST still living in the past

Must agree.

We found the same last weekend with stamps.

You can get $1 stamps in a number of designs & some of those designs, with champagne or whatever, are specifically tailored for engagement & wedding invitations etc

Some (of the same design) came self adhesive, some weren't.


Wouldn't you think that all of them would be, given the powers that be must know that whoever is buying them in bulk is probably going to have to stick on about 100-150 stamps in an afternoon (invite and reply). Who wants to have to lick that many??

Message 2 of 25
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AUSTRALIA POST still living in the past

Yes, I agree.  It's so inconsistent.  They have all the other stickers but the airmail ones are still the old lick-type.


I'm old fashioned and still actually lick them so my DNA goes with all my parcels all around the world.  After 15 parcels, the taste is quite yucky, and I think about the Seinfeld episode where George's fiance dies from licking too many stamps for their wedding invitations.

Message 3 of 25
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AUSTRALIA POST still living in the past

Generally all the local letter stamps sold these days are the peel and stick types, but Aust Post got caught short with the rush of $1 stamps, which would explain the number of gummed stamps being sold.

No doubt the airmail labels are a lot cheaper to produce gummed rather than sticker, so would you be prepared to pay a couple of cents for each one?

Stamp collectors prefer gummed stamps as they are a lot easier to soak off paper than the stickers.

Not sure if you heard, but the Adelaide GPO pulled out an old counter printed stamp machine to produce $1 stamps over the new year when they ran low, and they are quite rare, and worth a bit of money.
Message 4 of 25
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AUSTRALIA POST still living in the past

People,   air mail stickers don't need to be cancelled


Sticky tape them on

Message 5 of 25
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AUSTRALIA POST still living in the past

@imastawka wrote:

People,   air mail stickers don't need to be cancelled


Sticky tape them on

Nobody said airmail stickers need to be cancelled.


It would not be practical to have to sticky tape airmail packages on every package I send. I have three userids and and a website and send out many airmail packages each day.

Message 6 of 25
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AUSTRALIA POST still living in the past

Sponge (in a small bowl or cup) + water. 😉 


I've actually been looking online for a moistener like they use at the PO, but all the roller type ones I've found are vintage and too pricey for just an every day office supply I can make myself for about $1.00. 


Just as an aside, gummed stamps can stick better than self-adhesive ones, it can depend on the surface of the envelope, I've also found the self-adhesive ones to be more inconsistent in terms of 'stickability'. 

Message 7 of 25
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AUSTRALIA POST still living in the past

It would not be practical to have to sticky tape airmail packages on every package I send. I have three userids and and a website and send out many airmail packages each day.



You might want to consider self-inking stamps ........... plenty on eBay.

Message 8 of 25
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AUSTRALIA POST still living in the past

@digital*ghost wrote:

Just as an aside, gummed stamps can stick better than self-adhesive ones, it can depend on the surface of the envelope, I've also found the self-adhesive ones to be more inconsistent in terms of 'stickability'. 

I so agree with you Digi.


I always buy "lickable" stamps for preference, as well as envelopes.

The stamps are not a problem but the envelopes are.   I have found them easier to get from the UK than here in Australia.


BTW I saw those stamp sponges in Officeworks not so long ago...don't know if they are still available.

Message 9 of 25
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AUSTRALIA POST still living in the past

@lyndal1838 wrote:

BTW I saw those stamp sponges in Officeworks not so long ago...don't know if they are still available.

Ahhh, looks like I was using the wrong keywords to search (I was looking for 'stamp moisteners', they have it listed as 'damper roller'). The have the cup & sponge type for a few bucks, too. 

Message 10 of 25
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