Almost Done Ebay

When my listings end, I will no longer be a seller. I thought it would be fun to try selling on Ebay, but it's not!! Abuse, grief being ripped off and top fees to Ebay.Rude buyers that want the earth for the price of a stamp.

Ebay make more than me and don't have to put any effort in, but they have their stores and don't need me. Once I finish selling I also finish buying.

Message 1 of 30
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Almost Done Ebay

onei0403,  Happy to help out a fellow seller.


I am sure you are not the only reader that did not know that way of rotating photos.  I used to open each picture and rotate then save changes and it took forever to do it that way.  I couldn't believe how quick and easy it was to rotate them via their icon in a folder.


After your break from selling, take a deep breath and put one listing up.  Then come back to this thread and ask members to take a look with a view to helping you with constructive comments on how the listing might be improved.  Take on-board the comments already made regarding 80 character listing title, use of keywords, inclusion of measurements and sizes.  Even if those suggestions seemed a bit 'abrupt' when they were made, they were made to help you.  Selling clothes on eBay can be a slog at times, so any improvements will increase you chances of success.


Once you get that one listing the way you want it you can use it as a template for all future listings.


Have a nice, restful break and good luck when you return to selling.  Not that I know anything about selling clothes, but I will look out for your return and offer any help I can.


PS thanks for the knighthood, I am now sir-sales !

Message 21 of 30
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Almost Done Ebay

LOL Sir-sales thank you :^O

Message 22 of 30
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Almost Done Ebay

I think some of you are a little harsh on this seller,Sure there are are some problems with the listings that can easily be fixed.

But there is no doubt that there are problems with ebay,I am having problems selling things as well,and my items are low priced my photos are indeed turned up the right way and i have super feedback,,so lets look at the big picture here,Ebay have done most of us in with there silly best match search engine,which makes our listings harder to find for the customer,and anybody who cannot see this is in denial as far as i can see,And before anybody jumps on me,i mean this in the nicest possible way,But i can only call it as i see it.

Message 23 of 30
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Almost Done Ebay

you're right on there hawker, since April my auctions have gone from 75%-80% sales to 25%-50%, same sort of items at reasonable prices all unique.

Message 24 of 30
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Almost Done Ebay

Yes, I have to agree. My sales on ebay have been awful since 1 May. I have been selling more on other sites. I really think there is an eBay problem atm.


I have been selling for many years and it has never been this bad. Just saying....

Message 25 of 30
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Almost Done Ebay

I am just wondering if the slow sales might have anything to do with the fact or fiction that all the buyers have bought all they need from all the sellers and there are no more buyers out there to buy what the sellers are selling.I know it sounds a bit/a lot out there but who knows.Bottom line is there are to many sellers and not enough buyers as they say all good things must come to an end.

Message 26 of 30
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Almost Done Ebay

BSS  ?????

Message 27 of 30
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Almost Done Ebay

OMG littlefrench I am so glad you asked hahaha, I had something completely different in my head .......

Bull S&*^T Sites :^O

Message 28 of 30
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Almost Done Ebay

A very wise seller, can't remember who it was, once said to show every photo as if there were no description and write every description as if there were no picture.


Wise words indeed unless of course you are selling a cerise tee shirt ]:)



Message 29 of 30
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Almost Done Ebay

i have nearly 5000 feedbacks and honestly i don't see eBay as a profitable business. if you find good products that has little competition and large margin you are lucky. otherwise all popular categories are full of junks.. The key to success on eBay is to have a dominant position in keyword search result. To get that you have to sell in large quantity. usually the cheap products are most popular. As a result, most 1st page items are junk.. you also have to sacrifice your margin to nearly zero in order to make it to the top positions, otherwise no volume= no visibility by keyword search. 


With the convenience of price comparison, online shopping business has become much more difficult than before.


I am not thinking to quit eBay but i have been selling out stock and trying to move to less-crowded categories. 


there is no point to work long hours everyday and earn less than a full time job. At least don't have to beg for reversing a neg by some a**h***s

Message 30 of 30
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