on โ08-03-2014 06:51 PM
Since yesterday I noted that when I revisit the ended listings / watched listings on ebay it no longer shows the original item description page. Instead it shows me a list of so called related listings that are still for sale / active. I have to click the link near top to open a new page about the original listing, and click again to see the complete description of the original listing I was wanting to visit.
Worse still, the new cross-sale page compiled by ebay shows me a list of items from overseas sellers like UK US etc and none from Australia, so for e.g. why the hell would ebay shows me a long list of international sellers selling a Wi Fi dongle when there are hundreds of Australian sellers here wanting to sell theirs at lower cost.
I am fed up with these stupid ideas from ebay, I don't mind them cross selling things like before (i.e.inserting a few related items within another item's description page) but now they hide away everything I intended to view and present me a bunch of **bleep** I am not yet ready to see or buy.
Anyone noticed this change and share the same feeling as mine? or am I over-reacting....
on โ08-03-2014 09:58 PM
Sorry, but i cant see the point in browsing finished listings unless your a seller looking at prices that items sold or didnt sell for.
on โ08-03-2014 10:11 PM
As OP has a shop and this is the selling board, i suspect that is what they were trying.