Any other sellers wasting a fortune of time complying with new recommended item specifics?

Not applicable

As a seller of preloved, retro, vintage items - which a good percentage of ebay sellers are - Im finding that the item speciifics repeat and require a not applicable entry in many of my new listings -

if i tick NO METAL then why does the system then ask me metal purity?

if an item is pre loved why is model, manufacturer code, etc etc even included, these specifics are for new factory made/ direct items, 

so much wasted time to put up new listings now.

and any Ebay Au sellers know what a california prop warning is?

Is it just me or is anyone finding the same? Interested to know

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Any other sellers wasting a fortune of time complying with new recommended item specifics?

No, but it means you still get the annoying email saying specifics needs to be updated.


Cuisine is a particular bugbear -  why they assume all non-fiction books are cookbooks I don't know.


But I worked my way through them, just doing 20 a day - and I had "does not apply" on keysave.

Message 11 of 13
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Any other sellers wasting a fortune of time complying with new recommended item specifics?

I don't get emails about it.

Message 12 of 13
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Any other sellers wasting a fortune of time complying with new recommended item specifics?

I often receive a prompt message from ebay that this many of your listings are missing Required or Recommended listings.  Buyers like to know these . . . .  etc .  Required is one thing, there are only a few.  Recommended ar eendless .  If you are also a seller who writes as informative Description in the Description box as possible, for a full and frank description, with the 12 photos, so that the Buyer can see all angles and colour saturation etc.,  that is Work Done, tick !     I refuse to write it twice.    My view is that these Recommended Specifics are the dumbing-down by Ebay of Ebay Buyers, who can get on their mobile phone, flick a quick look, bid at a glance, and then complain in endless gasbagging negative feedback if it isn't what they assumed.  Key word Assumed.   Specifics is good for one thing only :   training potential buyers or watchers NOT TO READ DESCRIPTIONS THAT WE TAKE TIME TO PUT UP IN FULL.   ebay might not have thought, or care about that.  It's optional to sell on ebay, after all  . . .    so if I get a question I refer the ask-er to read the description in full and view all photos to satisfy themselves, before acting.   Seems to work , we can softly softly soothe also.


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