on 25-05-2023 02:00 PM
The delivery is - post by 29th May.
Shown to the buyer - estimated delivery - 25 - 30th May.
This could pose a few problems.
on 26-05-2023 05:53 PM
If only you’d used the TARDIS…
on 26-05-2023 05:54 PM
I'll have to do a ' Pauline ' here - ???
26-05-2023 06:12 PM - edited 26-05-2023 06:14 PM
@twyngwyn wrote:Share your feedback - help us improve eBay’s shipp... - The eBay Community
LOL....knock yourself out
They spelt it
wrongincorrectly. Should be a 't' not a double p.
on 26-05-2023 07:02 PM
@domino-710 wrote:I'll have to do a ' Pauline ' here - ???
As in… you’d have had to go back in time to send do as to meet that eBay-generated EDD…
on 26-05-2023 07:04 PM
LOL - never watched Dr - probably the only person in the world not to have even seen 1 EP.
on 26-05-2023 07:12 PM
I will “gently” encourage you to watch the David Tennant episodes. The one in the library - wonderfully scary…
on 26-05-2023 07:16 PM
Pertwee or Baker. Never Tennant.
on 26-05-2023 07:29 PM
Ah… a Dr Who fight!
(I like all of them, except for the last. Jodie Whittaker played the doctor like a witless wide-eyed twit.)
on 26-05-2023 07:56 PM
I haven't been an avid fan of the Doctor, but of those I've seen, my picks stand.
I've seen a few Tennant's, no Whittaker's.
Unusual for the Pommies to do something to death, but they seem to have achieved it here.
26-05-2023 08:08 PM - edited 26-05-2023 08:11 PM
I think Dom meant this Pauline -