Anyone else having trouble with the "sell similar" option?

I've found it ifficult to access since yesterday afternoon.   Mainly nothing happens when I choose that option - nothing at all, just left hanging.  Sometimes I get "requested URL' can not be accessed and when I do manage to get in, I'm sometimes being thrown out during the listing process - page just cuts out - disappears and throws me back to the original listing I accessed. 


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Anyone else having trouble with the "sell similar" option?

Does it make any difference which libnk you click (on listing page vs on summary page)


If you use turbo lister, import llisting back to TL then modify and relist


What happens if you do a new listing, just cut and pasting info if necessary?


Message 2 of 8
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Anyone else having trouble with the "sell similar" option?

I usually go through the summary page.  But also difficult on the actual item listing page.  i don't use turbo lister.  I'll try new listing.


Message 3 of 8
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Anyone else having trouble with the "sell similar" option?

I've been unable to list via sell similar or make new listings from sell item since Friday. Sell similar main body of the listing is all in HTML. Photos can't be deleted or uploaded. Any drop down click on will not respond (schedule start time, postage cost, start price & etc). I can relist already there from items in unsold, but can't add pics, make any changes & etc. I don't use Turbo Lister. I'm using Chrome, & have tried IE to same results. Cleared all cookies & cache, still no luck. I just tried to make a new listing a few mins ago, & came here to see if anyone else was having difficulties. Also when typing here on the boards paragraphs won't show, even though I've typed them. Also getting HTML when typing an edit.
Message 4 of 8
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Anyone else having trouble with the "sell similar" option?

If its any help, l just hit 'sell similar' on a current listing and had no issues.

l also revised another listing and no issues there.

Using Firefox (with the silly new update that ruined the look of the browser)

I don't use Turbo Lister. l do it all manually.

Message 5 of 8
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Anyone else having trouble with the "sell similar" option?

The Firefox add-on "Classic Theme Restorer 1.1.8" will return it to the way it used to look and allow you to change the appearance as much as you like. I also hate the new look and couldn't grab the add-on fast enough!
Message 6 of 8
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Anyone else having trouble with the "sell similar" option?

I also had trouble when trying to post my query here redders_60, and also with changes to start price etc.  Like you, I have cleared cookies and cache, have re-booted.  I just received a message from eBay suggested that I improve my experience by using Turbo Lister....hmmm.

Message 7 of 8
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Anyone else having trouble with the "sell similar" option?

I just managed to list 5 new listings since my last messgae using my daughter's Dell laptop using Chrome without issue. Pics loaded onto a flash drive stick. I'm not used to laptops, but at least the listings are up!


In the interim hubby has removed Chrome, Ebay & etc on my main computer. Currently doing a full scrub, after doing backups. I'll keep you informed of the results.


If you see paragraphs, then all is working OK in this laptop.

Message 8 of 8
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