on 29-08-2015 11:01 AM
I had a request yesterday and used the reply with offer feature for the first time, but my reply doesn't appear in my Sent messages folder and I can't find any mention of it on my My eBay page either. Does the system record it somewhere? I saw a note after I sent the message that the buyer has x amount of hours to accept the offer, I would have expected it to show as a notification the way buyer offers do.
on 29-08-2015 11:36 AM
i have used it and someone paid the amount i asked on offer. i cant remember the sent message , but it worked.
on 29-08-2015 11:54 AM
they get the email? lol.
on 29-08-2015 05:02 PM
There is a specific "manage your offers" area:
If you have interested buyers but your item still hasn't sold, you can send them a private offer:
Once you've sent the offer, the buyer will receive an email with the offer details. The offer automatically expires after 48 hours. If the buyer accepts the offer and completes the purchase, you'll be notified by email.
Note: You can send an offer to multiple buyers. However, you can send only one offer at a time to the same buyer. If you want to send a revised offer to the same buyer, you need to cancel the original offer first.
To view or make changes to your offers:
on 29-08-2015 05:22 PM
Thanks for that, but I don't have Manage My Offers under All Selling, and I sent an offer last night.
on 29-08-2015 06:12 PM
lol that is strange but somehow not surprising.
Another way to access the offer is go to your active listings and next to the actual listing that the offer was made on there should be an option to view the offer in the drop down menu.
on 29-08-2015 06:29 PM
It's not there either, but I thought that was only for Make an Offer where the buyer is the one making the offer (I don't use that on the ID in question). What I am referring to is Reply with Offer, where the seller can answer an enquiry with an offer for the buyer to consider.
on 29-08-2015 06:42 PM
Ok it would seem there is definitely a bug then as I can view the offers both ways I explained above.
And yes the reply with offer ones as I rarely use make an offer on the actual listings also.
It is showing for me both through active listings accessed through selling manager pro and also the basic my selling view.
If its important for you to access the offers you may need to give eBay a call to get it fixed.
I had the same problem with accessing business policies as it just wasn't showing anywhere in my dashboard or menus.
They got it fixed while I was on the phone though.
on 29-08-2015 07:08 PM
Okay, thanks again.
on 30-08-2015 10:06 AM
What is this reply with offer feature?
Is it available to sellers on all listings, or only the make an offer listings?