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AusPost Rip Off

THE AUSTRALIA POST RIPOFF .. THANKS TO MALCOLM TURNBALL AND ITS OVERPAID CEO AND EXECUTIVES .. On the ABC 7.30 report last night Malcolm Turnball was explaining why this increase to $1 for a stamp was necessary, along with a MASSIVE reduction in service – delivery times can be expected to DOUBLE! As Communications Minister in the Abbot Government, this increase in price and decrease in service was approved by Malcolm Turnball. Conveniently, Malcolm forgets to tell the Australian public some highly relevant facts. Recently Australia Post which is totally government owned and has been for 200 years, announced the loss of 900 jobs, being part of a cut back program. The CEO of Australia Post is a Muslim, Ahmed Fahour who was born in Lebanon and came to Australia in 1970. In 2009 he was made Managing Director and CEO of Australia Post. His salary package was estimated to be worth $4.8 million last year. Of this he donated about $2 million to the Islamic Museum of Australia located in Melbourne. That’s simply immoral and clearly the CEO can afford to give away nearly half his takings to an Islamic Museum as he doesn’t need it, and surprise, surprise .... it's tax deductable. The founder and director of the Museum is former Macquarie Bank executive ..., Moustafa Fahour - Ahmed Fahour’s brother. Moustafa’s wife, Maysaa, is the chairwoman and Director. The Fahours’ sister, Samira El Khafir, is Head Chef and manages the restaurant on site. How can the CEO of the Post Office earn so much, especially when the postal service is bleeding money from letter delivery. No employee is worth 5 million a year and especially not from a government owned business. The Prime Minister of Australia earns a modest $507,000 considering the real burdens of office, so how does the bloke in charge of the Post Office receive $4.8 million? The top Federal Public Servants in Australia have salaries of between $665,600 and $844,800. Let’s look further. The head of the US Postal Service with 19 times more staff and 11 times more revenue than Australia Post receives $550,000. In France the head of their post office was paid $1.1 million with a staff compliment of 268,000 employees. What a country full of mugs are we to sit by and let all this happen There is an unpleasant and some would say 'sinister' unbalanced agenda in Australia, which in the end preys on the average citizen, we the people. We are no longer the lucky country and we are no longer wealthy and this particular game of Post Office reveals major fractures and faults on a number fronts in our society and culture. Who is running the Country, who is pulling the levers and who is going to win? We the Mugs who are paying the bills through our taxes deserve to know.

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AusPost Rip Off

you forgot to mention 20 staff of aus post earn over 500k a year

Message 2 of 18
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AusPost Rip Off

What about trying to read OPs post my eyes went blurry haha

Message 3 of 18
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AusPost Rip Off

I managed about 25% Cliffs notes would be good 

Message 4 of 18
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AusPost Rip Off

Honored Contributor

My eyes!!!   eye rub.gif


A few paragraphs wouldn't hurt would they?


No-one is going to get through all that


I don't even know what I read


All you've pointed out is that you can't write for shirt

Message 5 of 18
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AusPost Rip Off

I read it through.


OP, is the CEO of AP, overpaid? Yes. But large companies say, that a top salary attracts the best. 


Can he then donate what he likes, of his income? Yes. Just like you or I can. We can support whatever we like, so long as it is legal. 


Can we get a tax deduction for the donation? Yes. If it is considered to be eligible for one.


The PMs salary. Less than that of a major company's CEO? Yes. Politicians, are meant to sacrifice a little something for the love of serving the people and their country. In addition, they receive very nice perks and pensions, travel...the list goes on.


Whether we like it or not, the CEO of AP gets what he gets, and is who he is. Until he leaves with no doubt a wonderful, huge financial farewell present. 


Whether we like it or not, he can spend his money on whatever, even if it is run by his family...his choice. So long as it isn't illegal. Which it isn't.


so, I get your point. AP service way down, CEO well overpaid. Yep. If we were shareholders in the traditional sense, we could object (sometimes) to what the CEO gets. Here, we have to see it and sigh.


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 6 of 18
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AusPost Rip Off

But think about it like this.

You can send a letter from ANYWHERE in Australia to ANYWHERE ELSE in Australia for a measly $1.00.

Thats send a letter from the bottom of Tasmania to the top of Queensland for a lowly $1.00

or from the most eastern point to the most western point for yep you guessed it only $1.00

Not bad postal coverage if you ask me for a pretty good price as well.

Message 7 of 18
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AusPost Rip Off

you are correct , but they work on bulk deliveries,  there is going to be more than 1 letter going from tassie to queensland,

and i am sure the postie on his daily run delivers 100s of letters to each street   and prob 1000s in a day.

Message 8 of 18
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AusPost Rip Off

Joe, there are not thousands of houses on any one postman's run.  Even if every house received one letter every day it would probably only be in the hundreds.


I have watched my postman on his run and on average he only delivers to one house out of 8 on any one day.

Message 9 of 18
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AusPost Rip Off

@bsal6160 wrote:

But think about it like this.

You can send a letter from ANYWHERE in Australia to ANYWHERE ELSE in Australia for a measly $1.00.

Thats send a letter from the bottom of Tasmania to the top of Queensland for a lowly $1.00

or from the most eastern point to the most western point for yep you guessed it only $1.00

Not bad postal coverage if you ask me for a pretty good price as well.

As we are in the think about it mood how about thinking about you can send a parcel from china for a few cent to anywhere in Australia and guess whose business is booming while the other is not. I 100% agree $1 to send a letter is a pretty good price but there is nothing between that letter and $7.50 to send a parcel. Even sending a large letter can cost $5.50 now there is nothing to allow people to post small items so that part of the market is getting filled by the Chinese and all that money does not go to Auspost as a matter of fact it does not even go to Aus at all it is heading out of the country.

Message 10 of 18
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