Aust Post losing letters

Why is it that I can send trackable parcels and they never, ever go missing or get lost.  Yet I send small items as a letter and every second one mysteriously vanishes?  Do they not care about these items or do they take advantage of the fact that they aren't traceable and pilfer them?

I will be writing a lengthy letter to Australia Post tomorrow as I'm tired of having to refund buyers.  I guess I will just have to add the extra cost of Registration to them, but really....this shouldn't be absolutely necessary

Message 1 of 38
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Aust Post losing letters

This is not Australia Post at fault but the fact that there are many cheats Ebay . I have a large ecommerce site and would get 1 in 500 say that an untracked itme has not arrived or is late.
On Ebay it is a hundred more times likely to happen .
Ebay's policies has created a culture that buyers can lie and claim so easily.
Message 31 of 38
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Aust Post losing letters

We have had a couple of online 'shoplifters' taking advantage of un-tracked low volume items mailed as letters. We are still sending items by letter post and delivery outstrips parcel post by days due to the lower letter volumes.

One trick we now do, is stick a DIY barcode sticker in the top left corner which gives the impression of a 'Tracked Letter'. Not one has been 'lost' since...
Message 32 of 38
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Aust Post losing letters

Just an update.....I received a message from buyer yesterday letting me know that it finally arrived yesterday.  I posted it on from Sydney on 21st September and it was delivered to Melbourne 23rd October.  That is ridiculous! The buyer asked me for my paypal address and resent the money that I had refunded her.  

Message 33 of 38
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Aust Post losing letters

What an awesome buyer! She could easily have said nothing, but instead, she is honest. Shame all buyers aren't like that!


It's very hit and miss with Victoria at the moment. A few weeks ago I posted to parcels from central NSW to Vic, on the same day. One arrived in a few days, the other was about 3 weeks from memory.

Message 34 of 38
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Aust Post losing letters

@silver-fox-bullion wrote:
yep it bad sending VIC to VIC I am getting packages from the USA faster than it takes to send a letter or package around VIC atm.

I got a small parcel from the UK faster than a parcel from one Melbourne suburb to another Melbourne suburb....and they were far from one side ot Melb to another.  Grrrr.

Message 35 of 38
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Aust Post losing letters

Australia Post loses no less than 1% of my untracked items . This has been consistent over the last 6 years for me. It results in financial losses, disputes & negative feedback. These statistics are not included in the Australia Post performance reports. If  Australia Post *delivers" 12 billion letters annually, 120 million don't make it. 


Message 36 of 38
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Aust Post losing letters

How on earth do you know that AP is losing your letters ?  It could very easily be dodgy buyers opening a dispute with eBay knowing that they will automatically win that dispute because you can't prove that the item was even sent in the first place.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 37 of 38
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Aust Post losing letters



The OP has even left false positive feedback for one such buyer


Most likely there are many others after a quick freebie too

Message 38 of 38
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