on 30-06-2014 10:33 AM
on 30-06-2014 11:04 PM
@davewil1964 wrote:Except that he made sure it was reported in the media.
If he was a fair dinkum philanthropist he would have taken the bonus THEN given it to the organisation run by his relatives.
Love him or loathe him, Kerry Packer gave away a lot of money in his life, and very little of that was ever advertised.
Yep, I wonder whether his brother and sister were in danger of losing their jobs, and how many AP jobs could have been saved with that 2 mil bonus. His money surely is to do with what he wants, but if 900 people have to lose their jobs, I have my doubts over whether he deserved it in the first place. 😞
on 30-06-2014 11:43 AM
Although I don't agree with CEOs getting million dollar bonuses - especially Aust Post where they have actually cut services, what he does with his own bonus is his own business surely?
Mr Fahour asked for the bonus to be donated directly to the Islamic Museum of Australia, of which he is patron.
on 30-06-2014 05:45 PM
I agree totally. This being old news (a few weeks old), it was a donation made by him, not by Aust Post. No different to someone donating money to their favourite cause out of their own pocket.
on 30-06-2014 06:17 PM
Except that he made sure it was reported in the media.
If he was a fair dinkum philanthropist he would have taken the bonus THEN given it to the organisation run by his relatives.
Love him or loathe him, Kerry Packer gave away a lot of money in his life, and very little of that was ever advertised.
on 30-06-2014 10:39 PM
on 30-06-2014 11:04 PM
@davewil1964 wrote:Except that he made sure it was reported in the media.
If he was a fair dinkum philanthropist he would have taken the bonus THEN given it to the organisation run by his relatives.
Love him or loathe him, Kerry Packer gave away a lot of money in his life, and very little of that was ever advertised.
Yep, I wonder whether his brother and sister were in danger of losing their jobs, and how many AP jobs could have been saved with that 2 mil bonus. His money surely is to do with what he wants, but if 900 people have to lose their jobs, I have my doubts over whether he deserved it in the first place. 😞