on 26-08-2024 11:37 AM
I am a bit slow 🤔 – well I have only started using AP eBay labels since my local PO closed 4 months ago. So I have only just realised that when the address is a Parcel Locker I should be choosing the specific Parcel Locker address drop down list rather than just the Business/Residential. When you chose this the address imported from eBay disappears and you have to copy and paste from the eBay invoice. In the past I have just left “Parcel Locker” and number on the 1st address line and cut and pasted the physical address to line 2. That’s 1 cut and paste as opposed to 5 copy and pastes. They must have been delivered OK. Anyone more experienced with AP labels than me have a view? (No idea about Parcel Collect – haven’t had one in the last 4 months.)
on 26-08-2024 02:34 PM
Not an answer directly to your question, but I would sign up for AP mypost, it imports the full address with no issues (parcel lockers as well), and you can score discounts as well. I stopped using Ebay AP labels years ago when they stopped giving discounts.
on 26-08-2024 03:15 PM
Sorry - I did not make clear that I am using My Post Business to import my eBay sales. When I import a sale that has a Parcel Locker Address and select the Parcel Locker drop down option, the address is removed, though the other fields remain. My fault for the mis-understanding; I did not make myself clear. I will start the the topic again.