Auto relist for non business, option not available in Review Your Listing page.

Community Member

I have been trying to sort this out with Ebay support for almost 4 weeks and I am getting no response from them - so I hope someone here may be able to throw some light on to it.

It took me a while once getting into selling a number of things in recent months, to realise I should be able to set an item to auto relist if it did not sell and without it coming off my free listing allocation for the month. The tick box option is supposed to be on the Review Your Listing page, just before it is acutally listed.


Problem is - it is just simply not there!!! I have tried all sorts of ways of listing, manual relisting and totally new item, but I cannot find a tick box and according to the Ebay help files it should be there and for a non business user.


I managed to speak with a support person (gave up on the chat option in disscust) and he seemed to agree it was a problem with my account, but the only explanation he could suggest was that it had something to do with 2 other "connected" accounts, 1 in my wifes name and 1 old account no longer used in my name. Apparently there was some sort of cross interference going on.


Personally the explanations and lack of response have me bamboozaled. I could delete the old account and/or look into using Selling Manager, but I would prefer to find some reasonable explanation first bfore I jump in - anyone who can help, please???

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Auto relist for non business, option not available in Review Your Listing page.

@rainbowenchantress wrote:

This is the reply I just got emailed to me from eBay CS, the final point being the important one.....


I understand that you want to use auto relist and you wanna know more about it don't worry i will provide the information needed. When you relist your item automatically. Your item is relisted up to three times if it doesn't sell. (It won't be relisted automatically if the buyer didn't pay, you cancel the transaction or you end the listing early. In these situations, you can relist the item manually.) Each time your item is relisted, the duration of the listing will be the same as the prior listing period for that item.
You can revise your listing at any time during the relisting period. Our rules on revising listings apply. Learn more about restrictions on revising listings.
After the first insertion fee for the listing, you aren't charged additional insertion fees for the relisted item. You'll also only be charged once for any listing upgrades you select.
Aside from the initial listing, automatically relisted items don't count toward your monthly free listing entitlement. (For example, if you list an item and it automatically relists three times, it counts as one free listing.) Learn more about free listing entitlements. If you set up your item to relist automatically, you'll only be charged once for any feature fees.
Auto-relist is only available in SYI or Webnext.
Auto-relist is only available to non-business new, occasional or regular sellers.
Auto-relist is not available to business sellers on
Auto-relisting will not use up any of the sellerโ€™s monthly free listing entitlement.
The seller will only pay the initial insertion fee and any feature fees (subtitle) once.
Some categories may be excluded.
The seller will still need to pay FVF if the item sells.
Threshold is more than 100 sales or $12k in sales in 12 months



Thats more like what I have viewed.


Message 11 of 15
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Auto relist for non business, option not available in Review Your Listing page.

Threshold is more than 100 sales or $12k in sales in 12 months


I've seen that mentioned before as well, with OR being the emphasis. 100 sales OR $12K in a year. I haven't made 12K, but I have sold a LOT more than 100 items. If that info is correct, then by rights, I shouldn't have the auto relist option.

Message 12 of 15
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Auto relist for non business, option not available in Review Your Listing page.

As I mentioned in the other thread, I was told that once you hit over 10k in sales in a 12 month period, you lose auto relists. I asked how the 12 months are worked out and apparently it's a rolling continuous thing. You can check the sales figure in your Seller Dashboard.


What I don't get is how although eBay help told me that the 12 month period is worked out daily, it states very clearly on my Seller Dashboard "12 months:01 Jan, 2014 - 31 Dec, 2014" for my current stats. If that's the case, my sales figure should have reset and I technically should have auto relists again because there's absolutely no way I could've sold over 10k from the 1 January to now.


In short, looks like once you hit 10k worth of sales in a 12 month period, you lose the auto relists. How this 12 month period is actually worked out is anybody's guess though.

Message 13 of 15
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Auto relist for non business, option not available in Review Your Listing page.

Community Member

Since I started this thread it seems reasonable I should further comment.

My present situation : I have recently been listing a number of items on both my business and individual accounts and it is only on the individual that I have the option to auto relist. That account I might add is actually nearly 10 years old. Neither of these accounts have been very heavily used (certainly not 100 transactions or more) so there would seem to be other reasons for this. I guess the simpilist is that my business account has not been given that option, which seems to be backed up by the help files.


I am most interested in the comment further up here that relisting tends to push an item further down the search list, I will be watching this.


BTW, I have had absolutly no response from Ebay to my phone call nearly a month ago or follow up email 2 weeks later, so much for all the "don't worry, we are here to help you" I got from them.


Thank you all for your comments, for now though I am just going with what I can do. It does seem curious though that this rule does not seem to be being applied uniformally!!!

Message 14 of 15
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Auto relist for non business, option not available in Review Your Listing page.

The 12-month period may be worked out daily but without them showing you the details.  In other words, you may have to keep your own records of how much you've sold so that you know exactly how much you've sold in the previous 12 months on any given day. 


It's a bit like how you have to sell a certain amount in 12 months to reach powerseller status, or to be classified as a business.  Nowhere do they give you the figures in Australian dollars, only in US dollars, which is - well, not totally useless, but definitely not as useful as it could be!


I once read somewhere that when you reach $12K sales a year they classify you as a business seller.  I've never been able to find it again but it was there somewhere.  Once you become a business seller it's permanent and you can't change it back.  I assume from what the OP said that this is applied to individual IDs and isn't applied to all a seller's IDs if one reaches this amount.  If you reach business status on an ID you'll lose the auto relist feature.  In this case a person could probably shift everything to their other ID, or just make sure you sell a bit less on each ID.


I think a lot of powersellers have access to auto relist, so I think it's meant to be if you sell $12K and have over 100 transactions that you lose auto relist.  I don't think most of ebay's staff know what the rules are in regard to this, which isn't surprising.  From what I've read in the forums, some people qualify but don't get it, so it doesn't work as well as it should.

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