Automatic Case Closure - Ongoing Account Issue

Hi eBay Community and Help Desk,

I have been selling on eBay for 5 years+, I have had an ongoing issue with my account where return cases are automatically closed against me within minutes by the system. This then marks an automatic defect against my account. I have no problems with solving returns, however I'm often not given the chance to do so, as the system automatically closes the cases.

The following is not regarding a specific case, this is regarding ongoing automatic case closure system errors for my account. I couldn't find any helpful examples or other people that have had this issue.

After having the automatic defects removed, I have contacted agents over the years to review my account itself and have been given variations of the explanation that my account has a 'suspension' against it .

This was the most recent explanation from an agent 'Dipayan' received today
  "I have checked the details and can see that your account got suspended due to which the refund claim got closed automatically with a refund as you were not covered for any transactions." 

Despite all of this,  I've sold 19k items and I cannot recall a time where my account was suspended and/or my selling has been stopped, so I'm confused as to what is happening. I have 100% feedback, a very very low return rate (0.46% 12 of 2,587 transactions) with 7500+ active listings. Usually I'm told I'll be contacted again regarding my account within 48-72 hours with a resolution, but I never am. 

My concern is that as I scale larger, multiple automatic closures may stack up and my account itself could encounter more issues as I'm not given the chance to resolve the cases manually.

Could I please ask if someone from the eBay team can check the back end of my account and resolve this? I've run out of options as I'm constantly transferred to another agent and then told I'll hear back within 48-72hours, but am yet to hear back about this specific issue. I would like to be able to solve my returns manually. I'm on eBay Australia.

Thank you

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Automatic Case Closure - Ongoing Account Issue

If you have done everything here:   How to handle a return request as a seller | eBay


I would be tempted to call out eBay on their own policies

Message 11 of 14
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Automatic Case Closure - Ongoing Account Issue

The auto returns go through no worries at all (no defects on those), it's when the criteria outside of the auto returns goes through and a case gets opened and it automatically closes that my account receives the defects for.

Definitely a bit of a confusing one, but hopefully someone will see this and have a solution/reach out

Message 12 of 14
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Automatic Case Closure - Ongoing Account Issue


Have just received correspondence via inbox from the eBay social and community team. 




We recently came across your post in the eBay Community regarding your concerns about the ongoing account issue related to "Automatic Case Closure." We apologise for the inconvenience you experienced and want to assure you that we are dedicated to providing the necessary assistance and support. We would also like to congratulate you on being one of our Top Rated Sellers.


Upon seeing your post, we quickly forwarded your concerns to the appropriate team and reviewed your account. We have removed any restrictions and want to assure you that you are eligible for our Seller's Protection Program. Any claims opened against you should not be automatically closed. If you encounter this issue again, please contact us immediately.


We have also checked your recent correspondence with us and are pleased to see that we resolved your concerns about the removal of the defect yesterday.


To learn more about Seller Protections, you can visit the following link:


We wish you continued success in your business.


Best regards,


Shiela | AU Social & Community Team

eBay Australia & New Zealand

Am unsure as to whether the issue has been fixed yet (as I can't see the back end of my account) but will post an update the next time I get a return that exists outside of my automated rules to see if the issue has been solved. My current return rate is 0.46% (12 of 2,581 transactions) and I don't get a lot of returns in general but if/when I get another I'll reply to this thread.

Thank you to everyone that posted on here and replied, I appreciate it a lot 🙂

Message 13 of 14
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Automatic Case Closure - Ongoing Account Issue

Hi twyngwyn

No issues with the policies, as mentioned above the returns are not an issue, it was just the automatic case cancellation that was happening in the back end of the account (a system error or something similar).

Have just posted an update 🙂 Hopefully it has been resolved, will review if/when I get another return that exists outside of my automated return settings.

Kind regards

Message 14 of 14
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