Automatic relist 3 times has disappeared again

I've been listing a few things this morning using the 150 free listings and see that the automatic relist option isn't available. Does anyone know if this is just for the 150 items or has Ebay taken this away (again....before reinstating it).
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Re: Automatic relist 3 times has disappeared again

Mine is working fine, it even appeared when I listed a few auctions on my store id.  I do tend to use sell similar though so it is usually pre ticked when I get there.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 2 of 11
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Re: Automatic relist 3 times has disappeared again

I relisted a few things this morning and still had the relist for free option

Message 3 of 11
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Re: Automatic relist 3 times has disappeared again

I relisted a few things this morning using the relist option and it was showing up fine. Try clearing your cache out, that sometimes helps. If not, make a note under the ones that didn't have the box and go back and edit them tomorrow. I sometimes find if I relist quite a few things in a short space of time, it can sometimes disappear. It then reappears later.

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Re: Automatic relist 3 times has disappeared again

Please see below the response I got from Ebay when I questioned the ommission of the function. This happened once before early last year. We'll see if there are any changes!  


I checked your account and see that you are a Power Seller that's why this feature is no longer available to you. eBay offers the auto re-list only to non-business new, occasional or regular sellers. This gives them a greater chance to sell if listing is live for longer and is a great incentive for them to list more if their listing sells successfully with Auto re-listed.

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Re: Automatic relist 3 times has disappeared again

@bargainbabybuys wrote:

Please see below the response I got from Ebay when I questioned the ommission of the function. This happened once before early last year. We'll see if there are any changes!  


I checked your account and see that you are a Power Seller that's why this feature is no longer available to you. eBay offers the auto re-list only to non-business new, occasional or regular sellers. This gives them a greater chance to sell if listing is live for longer and is a great incentive for them to list more if their listing sells successfully with Auto re-listed.

That is an absolute load of garbage. Most of the sellers in this forum are power sellers, myself included on 2 accounts, and all have the option. That message is a standard one that eBay send you. I'm surprised they didn't throw in that you'd sold more than 100 items in the last year because they normally do.


The only thing that we know removes it is if you are a registered business seller or you have sold more than 100 items AND $12,000 in the last year. Unless you fall into either of those 2 categories, the feature should be available to you.


A few times when I haven't been able to get it to work, I'll relist on my phone because the box always seems to appear on that. If you have the eBay app installed on any mobile devices, go into your listings and revise. I'll put money on it that the box is there. It does usually turn back up on your selling page on your computer eventually.

Message 6 of 11
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Re: Automatic relist 3 times has disappeared again

Just wait it out for a day or so and eBay should fix itself. I lost the 3 relists near the start of the year and they magically came back within 24 hours of disappearing. No amount of resetting your browser, cache or PC will get eBay to fix its own problems.

The (overseas) person on the other side of the phone probably hasn't updated their eBay selling rulebook for over a decade, if anything they still think that sellers can leave negative feedback for "bad" buyers too.

Just don't start selling cars or expensive jewellery and your account should be fine.
Message 7 of 11
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Re: Automatic relist 3 times has disappeared again

I have never ever had the 3 relist option on either of my account despite many emails and calls to CS.
I too have received the standard EBay customer service response (mentioned in earlier post ) about being a power seller blah blah blah.
That was until 2 days ago when it magically appeared whilst I was revising a current listing.

On the last page when revising an item,  there it is :

"New! Your item can be automatically relisted for free." in big letters with a yellow box around it .
Very excited about it really, I am slowly trying to "revise" all my current listings and tick the box.

Hope it doesn't disappear too quickly 🙂

Message 8 of 11
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Re: Automatic relist 3 times has disappeared again

Me too, and says new also. I never even knew what they looked like now it is showing!! Yippee. For 1oo ites too. Only trouble is I will be away for 2 weeks when the auto relist happens, and I do not want to loose this magic relist feature, by cancelling my items and maybe never seeing it again. So I am going to chance them relisting, with a note saying I will be away for 2 weeks on each item, and hope and HOPE buyers see it and wait patiently

Message 9 of 11
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Re: Automatic relist 3 times has disappeared again

Has anyone ever tried logging in under instead of

and see if you have more fuctions?


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