on 20-07-2012 05:15 PM
I sold a boat,(buyer" bought it now")without ANY communication.
I get to talk to buyer who claims the right of inspection before payment. Dispute registered, relist the boat and am experiencing exactly the same situation.Am hoping it turns out alright this time!
People indicate "buy it now", find it hard to contact them, then try to claim they have the right to inspect before paying, MEANWHILE THE SALE IS IN LIMBO, no one can offer/offers are cut off. People think there is something wrong with your item.
I also indicated that sale is Pay immediately on "buy it now" and same after discussion and agreement on" offers" also.
No one wants to put themselves out to arrange inspection, THEN, buy or offer.
THEY want to freeze your sale, don't pay(breaking a contract) then suggest they have been ripped off by others,so I AM THE SAME.
Not this little black duck.
What do ebay sellers/buyers think?
on 20-07-2012 07:11 PM
AS I SAID, why don't they inspect first???? I am not stopping an inspection.Pick up is more reason to inspect!!
on 20-07-2012 07:13 PM
As I tried to explain inspection is there,But, not after sale! Come on.
on 20-07-2012 07:16 PM
Once again,buyer is open to inspect before sale. Not close someone's add and have all to themself.
on 20-07-2012 07:17 PM
on 20-07-2012 07:52 PM
SORRY PEOPLE,I HONESTLY THOUGHT I WAS RIGHT, PLEASE FORGIVE ME. Hope I haven't offended everyone,will contact bidders and re do this. Maybe I am from a different era than most
SORRY again . stromper-gd.
on 20-07-2012 11:03 PM
"The format conducive to the way you want to sell (Classified [with best offer], where the sale wouldn't occur until agreed upon by both buyer and seller) no longer exists"
The discontinued format of the free to list 14 day Classified Ads with Best Offer didn't include the cars, bikes, boats category.
It was mainly just for household items.
The 28 day Classified Ads with or without Best Offer format still exists but it does cost $19.99 insertion fee.
on 21-07-2012 10:11 AM
Koala, (with your righteous angry emotion) I did apologise for mis understanding. No need for you to come in for seconds.
The way I purchase an item of the price I am talking about is ,contact buyer, inspect, make decision,buy or offer then.
Is there something wrong with that on my island?
I will never tell/indicate to anyone that I have purchased their item,then arrange a meeting 4-500km away,have the vendor wait till
I pass judgement on them as to why I don't have to pay .
Inspect first,why commit to a description?
on 21-07-2012 11:39 AM
Stomper - if you want to sell a boat/vehicle whatever, I cant remember now and can't be bothered going back to look, and you want people to check it out before they buy you are simply not getting how ebay works. List it in the normal way if that is the case. And don't shoot the messengers when you find out were not, as quoted "I AM RIGHT" - even now, while the apology you made stands I guess, you still think you are correct. You even opened another thread on the AC to see if you could find some one to agree with you. IMO your time would be best served reading all you can of the ebay procedure, it may well serve you not having to go through with this again. Apologies for the angry face....:-p
on 21-07-2012 11:40 AM
As I tried to explain inspection is there,But, not after sale! Come on.
Once again.. The item is not actually considered sold until money has changed hands..
What if the person who wanted to inspect the item did so before clicking Buy It Now, and then someone else comes along and clicks Buy it Now...
The first buyer decides they do want to take the boat, but second buyer claims they bought it first because they clicked Buy It Now..
What would you do then?
For anything such as boats, cars, etc that have to be picked up.. The buyer has the right to inspect before handing over any money.. There is no sale unless money has changed hands..
You have been told this numerous times by some very experienced eBay sellers..
on 21-07-2012 12:38 PM
Hello patchoo, I sell to the person that has "bought it now"(99.9999999999999999% would have already arranged inspection).( my view,)I apologise to anyone who thinks differently.I would have done so,and did when I purchased the boat.
I will relist this to be fair to all,(unless the present bidder,what do I say,pays for it, as that has nothing to do with" buying it now")
My "buy it now" option will only have Paypal, that seems to legitamise/ put people at ease for some reason. Is that fair?
Can someone tell me the advantage of this please?
It will cost me an additional AUD $170 odd in fees if sale realises the same amount ,but I am not concerned with that at all.
I have read up on eBay and Pay Pal and am trying to get my head around this, I had one supporter,we have to be missing the point. To all,once again sorry for my, older, I suppose view of integrity.
Construstive criticism and advice will be a pleasure to accept.