on 13-08-2013 09:30 AM
Is that only me or ebay has stopped sending notifications to sellers when a buyer has chosen to pay via bank deposit?
Before as a seller I was getting an email from ebay about it. something like "I will be sending payment of ..... via Bank Deposit shortly" when a buyer wanted to pay this way. But now nothing is sent to me and it looks like a buyer is not paying at all.
The last email of this sort I recived was in October 2012. I did not know it stopped then. But I can confirm now it has not be working for a least a few months.
Why ebay has done such a thing! There is no logic in it from any poit of view and now I have to ask all buyers who have not paid through paypal straight away whether they have done eft or they are having problems paying for their items.
on 13-08-2013 09:38 AM
on 13-08-2013 10:32 AM
This annoys me too, but one small saving grace is that my account details for bank deposit are only available via checkout, and they can only be accessed if a buyer completes checkout, so if something sells and no payment via PayPal arrives, I check if checkout has been completed so I at least know that they intend to pay that way and can send my usual message.
on 13-08-2013 10:43 AM
Mine stopped suddenly last year too.
I suppose it was helpful to sellers so they removed the function
on 14-08-2013 05:04 PM
I do not publish my bank details in my listings, they are availble at checkout only.
I guess if I cannot see checkout process complete that means that ths buyer has not even trying to pay. Is that how it works now?