on 03-04-2014 08:23 AM
Some of you may have read my post last week with regards to a trading assistant type sale gone wrong with has left me with a heap of negative feedback, and in the end, nearly $2000 out of pocket with refunds, fees, etc
eBay had no interest what so ever in helping me out in the situation. Requested my account not be suspended so I can continue trading to re-pay everyone, to no avail. They deceided to suspend my eBay account, and not allow me to list new items, yet they are happy to leave the current listing up to be sold (figure that). They then decided to suspend my Paypal account as well, until the negative balance is brought up to date.
So, at the moment, current listings can be sold (which a few have over the last couple of days), yet the buyers are not able to pay me via Paypal, as the account has been suspended. This firstly makes a mockery of their system, in they say that buyer safety is their concern, well eBay, if thats true, why are you keeping my current listings up, but not giving my customers the option to use the most secure from of payment, PAYPAL ?
Next step is to de-register the account, meaning I won`t be able to keep in contact with customers that are waiting on a refund, meaning those customers only course of action will be to go to the Police.
I never ever ever set out to rip anyone off, or do anything fraudulant, this has killed me financially, and I`m doing my best to keep in contact with customers, and see that funds are returned, while eBay/Paypal, are taking the opposite stance, and blocking anything I request.
Think after this, plus the rip off by eBay of charging commissions on postage, no Negative Feedback allowed to be given by selleres, and the way they pander to the buyer and **bleep** on the seller, my days on eBay will finished. I no longer have any motivation to sell on here. Very disillusioned by the way they have handled this.
Quicksales (even with the lack of buyers) is looking far better to me
on 03-04-2014 09:07 AM
Hi, I remember reading the posts last week and one of the suggestions was to possibly take out a small loan, whether it be:
Paying your buyers back should not be contingent on you making more sales. You put your trust in another party, so you need to solve it promptly for those buyers who are out of pocket. Any loan money could have been moved into your PayPal account last week (and still can be I assume).
I know it's hard to raise the money but it is what it is now. People deserve their money back swiftly.
on 03-04-2014 10:00 AM
UHM (Lithium Messages)
on 03-04-2014 10:14 AM
I totally agree, people do need their money back swiftly, and I`m doing my damdest to get it back to them, unfortunately eBay/Paypal are putting blocks up at every corner. No, a loan of any type is not an option, or I would have done it immediately.
It astounds me that eBay trust me enough to leave the current listings up, but not enough to list more, and they trust me enough that any listings sold can be paid via Bank Deposit, Cash, Money Order etc, but not via Paypal. Figure the logic out in that.
As I`ve said, I have NO intention of ripping anyone off, if I did, I`d leave things as they are, let Paypal refund the money to the buyers, then chase me for the negative balance. Instead, I`m trying to work with them to find a solution to this, so I can continue trading, they continue making money, and most importantly the buyers are refunded their money
on 03-04-2014 10:48 AM
Not quite sure what you mean?
on 03-04-2014 11:02 AM
Is taking the entire matter to a current affairs type show an option do you think ?
No-one here will help you and it sounds as if ebay won't either
Yet you're doing your best with the cards stacked against you, from the sound of it
At least a current affairs show will give you the opportunity to state your case as victim of a system which encouraged you to do this and that, then walked away leaving you to shoulder the whole thing
03-04-2014 11:06 AM - edited 03-04-2014 11:11 AM
How is it ebay or paypals fault. They are trying hard to stop anyone else losing their money! If the shoe was on the other foot and you were one of those buyers you would be screaming at ebay for not stopping a seller such as yourself trading, Yeah?
on 03-04-2014 11:45 AM
Harley_Babe I am not saying its eBay/Paypals fault. I am saying they are blocking every suggestion I put to them. There`s a big difference.
As I stated in my last post regarding this, I take full responsibility as it was my account it was sold on, and I put my trust into someone else
But you may be able to explain to me, if they are infact trying to stop anyone else from losing money, why are they happy for the current listings to stay there and be sold ? If they were that concerned, wouldn`t they remove them immediately ? Guess some would say they are just trying to have that last grab at their commissions
on 03-04-2014 01:05 PM
on 03-04-2014 01:20 PM
Ebay can not stop you from ending the remaining listings if that is what you want to do.
It is also my understanding that your buyers can still use paypal to pay you but any funds going into the account will go towards repaying the money you owe paypal. Is that no longer the case?