Breach of Australia Post Rules?? - Postage/ Packaging Advice??

Community Member

Hi all forum members.....


I read with interest a post from another member about unfair feedback and it contained something interesting that I thought I would start a new thread.


My Local Post Office (Franchise) wrongly advised me to use my Signature on Delivery stickers (that I had pre-purchased from them) on an envelope.  This was a postage prepaid envelope so I wanted proof of lodgement - I requested he scan it for me (with a huge sigh as if it was a great inconvienence to him) he did - after which I was told to take it and post it in the red box out the front.  I did this as I was totally unaware it was wrong!


I have had several instances with this post office over many years and the "owner" is difficult at times and exceptionally rude.  I try to be polite at all times as he isn't someone you want to be on the wrong side of.


Off-Topic - when he first took ownership of the franchise (I was involved with the local Playgroup and was the treasurer) and needed to bank money weekly - it was more convenient for me to take the banking to "my" LPO as a Commonwealth Bank Agency - I had been doing so for some time - until this man took over the franchise and he simply refused to take the playgroups banking - I was told to take it to the bank as he wasn't paid to count our takings..... as an ex-bank employee myself it was always pre-counted and bagged separately - very bizarre behavour but what to do with his refusal - much more inconvenient to take it to CBA as no parking - getting kids out of car etc...... end of O/T 


I haven't sold much on ebay over the years and now have a huge amount of stock from a direct selling scrapbook company that no longer exists and have encountered more wrong or difficulties with my LPO.


Back in August this year I went in to check some weights of things I am selling (as I doubted the acuracy of my kitchen scales) and to get some advice.......... I was sold 10 Signature on Delivery Labels @ $3.20 each (before the price rise) for parcels.  The "owner" was sick and a temporary employee was on duty - she was extremely helpful - even called the owner and I was put on the phone to talk to him - even though she was helpful - the help/advise was wrong....


When I went to post/lodge my first parcel - and I presented my paypal instant payment advice email print out (as this is what I had used in the past as my lodgement advice for registered mail - and this LPO had always stamped this - it saved me time to not have to complete a form that contained this same specific information) he refused..... I was  confused - I was told that AP no longer provide proof of lodgment of Packages - that the receipt with the postcode was all I was getting.  I questioned the validity as I didn't feel it meet the PayPal burdon of proof of lodgment as it only contained a postcode.  I was told by my LPO to tell paypal that they are wrong.... I thought to myself oh well lets just hope nothing goes wrong as I also felt that I would lose if challenged by a buyer if they made a claim that they didn't receive their item.  I also thought imagine telling PayPal this?? They'd just take the money out of my account.....


I came home and tried to do some research and found the Australia Post website confusing.  I couldn't understand why we now had Registered Post and Signature on Delivery - or why their was a price difference...... (I have since this week had this explained my the Post Office in the next suburb - much more informed staff)


I also realised I had been charged the wrong price (Registered Post) not Signature on Delivery..... the next time I had a package to send - I took the stickers and my original receipt in and asked him to refund me - he reluctantly did - but I wasn't provided a refund and repurchase receipt - I was just handed the difference out of the till.


I have simply decided to drive to the next suburb and join the queue of consumers to post/lodge my items - as I haven't been satisfied with my LPO's inaccurate advice or incorrect practices.


I have items that are flat and therefore can be sent as a letter - for this I'm now using Registered Post labels... hopefully the PO will continue to stamp my PayPal intant payment advice email as proof of lodgment.


I have items that need to go at packages - I have been using my own packaging - bubblewrap and brown paper - to ensure the items are sufficiently protected - as I've found that the pre-paid satchels generally are not the right size.  


For me to be able to use Click & Send I need to be able to accurately predict the weight of my packaged items as I can't use the satchels - I wish their was a 3kg one that is square in shape along the long edge of A3 as nearly all my items would then fit and I wouldn't need to weight everything.  In the mean time I need to keep wrapping and packaging ๐Ÿ˜ž  


Do any of you more experienced sellers have advice for me?


Should I get some 500g & 3kg C&S satchels incase I can use them?  Then just use my own packaging for items that do not meet this criteria?


Should I be continuing to use Signature on Delivery for all my parcels or is it not necessary?


Should I use Registered Post Labels for all my "letter sized" items?


I know a lot of my questions are subjective to my own personal needs (at the moment I don't want to loose out on lost items but pay feel differently when I've been able to recoup some of my funds I have outlayed in stock).


I hope my requests are clear and my message not to confusing to read.  


Kind Regards




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Re: Breach of Australia Post Rules?? - Postage/ Packaging Advice??

I hope this may address some of your questions... ๐Ÿ™‚


If you're sending a letter, then registered post (now $3.50) will provide the documentation required for Seller Protection. They should not refuse the lodgement forms, and you can either request some to have on hand or download a printable PDF (I fill them out at home, then get them stamped with the tracking number attached at the PO).


For parcels, Signature on Delivery is almost the equivalent of registered, but insurance has to be added on. I don't send over the counter with SOD, so I don't know whether that is supposed to provide any documentation by default, but if you prepare your parcels via Click and send without using the flat rate options, you can have all the right documentation without signature on delivery (keep a copy of the postage label, and lodgement receipt - also make sure your post office knows how to process them without issuing a new tracking number). You have to pay at the post office for C&S if using your own packaging, as opposed to paying online with the flat rate products. 


There are flat rate boxes that you can use with click and send, which you may find more suitable as they come in 3 different sizes and can weigh up to 15kg - they sell them via the eBay Aus Post store, but they're standard box sizes which are also available at PO outlets. Here's a link to info about box dimensions and pricing:



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Re: Breach of Australia Post Rules?? - Postage/ Packaging Advice??

Notwithstanding you get some advice from others here with regard to your specific problems, I would definitely be giving Australia Post customer services a call to report this franchisee.

"Padches? We ain't got no padches. We don't need no padches. I don't have to show you any stinking padches".
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Re: Breach of Australia Post Rules?? - Postage/ Packaging Advice??

Hello hang1945,

Thank you for taking the time to post such a detailed post regarding issues you are experiencing with us. Digital*ghostโ€™s post was excellent. I hope it cleared some things up, thank you. I do agree with the_billycan. Please give us a call on 13 13 18 or paste your post here: Weโ€™ll have someone contact you in 48hrs.

On behalf of Australia Post please accept my apology if weโ€™ve caused you an inconvenience and frustration.

We look forward to hearing from you.

-Rory K
Australia Post eBay Team Member
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Re: Breach of Australia Post Rules?? - Postage/ Packaging Advice??

Thanks D*G - I have looked at the boxes but the 3 sizes - the largest is still only A3 size - I need something that is 350mmx350mm or larger..... larger would mean i can fit more in ๐Ÿ™‚ 


I have found a poly bag online that is 420mmx450mm - I would then need to pay the actual postage costs at the post office - using click & send ๐Ÿ™‚


It would be ideal if there was a larger C&S satchel in a 3kg & 5kg weight option - as my things are generally under 1kg unless a customer purchases multiple pages & albums *sigh* I can only hope and dream they bring something like this soon ๐Ÿ™‚



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Re: Breach of Australia Post Rules?? - Postage/ Packaging Advice??

Hi the_billycan,


I did give Australia Post this morning on 137678 - I am not 100% certain who I spoke with - but I did address my issues as in my message.......


Thanks for your advice



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Re: Breach of Australia Post Rules?? - Postage/ Packaging Advice??

Thanks Rory K -


As replied above - I did contact someone from Aust Post via the phone this morning...... I didn't take note of who I spoke to but he was very helpful - although because of the size of my items - I'm going to have to stick with "own" packaging and estimate the weight of my items.......


A larger satchel - not larger weight content - would help immensely so that there are fewer errors on my part due to "guestimating" my items weight for correct postage in my listings.



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Re: Breach of Australia Post Rules?? - Postage/ Packaging Advice??

I was told today by my PO that as of 14 Nov you can use C&S labels on your own packaging - he was talking about satchels so not sure about boxes, but I was told I could use anysize as long as it is under 500 grams or 3kgs.



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