on 26-09-2012 10:55 PM
I note that my end-of-auction emails tonight no longer include the buyer's registered address, which is usually the address that the item is to be posted to, and not even including their country.
Does anyone know whether this is a temporary glitch, or new policy, as I do use that address when making contact with buyers, and quoting postage, invoicing, etc.
Regards, Kevin
on 26-09-2012 11:52 PM
I would be waiting for the address from Paypal if they pay that way. It doesn't always match the registered one, and there have been issues with buyers sending to that, rather than the one requested by the buyer when checking out and paying.
on 27-09-2012 12:00 AM
With SELLERS sending to that
on 27-09-2012 08:18 AM
sadly, Kevin, I havent had a sale to see the end of sale invoice today, however, i think it is a pretty good idea, so many sellers send to that address when they should be sending to the address supplied AFTER checkout, either in paypal or by th buyer when they checkout with 'I will be paying by bank deposit'
on 27-09-2012 08:33 AM
I noticed that too. I always post to the paypal address, but recenty i had a sale that lasted close to a month to complete X-(
I had to wait a week between each email i sent to recieve a response. After i agreed to give my bank details and recieved a bank payment finally i had no address to send to. I searched and searched but couldnt find it on her ebay details or any of the invoices, so i guess that explains why.
on 27-09-2012 12:51 PM
It is convenient to know what country the buyer is actually in when making contact, and determining postage costs, etc. While I have made a couple of shipping errors over the last 8 or 9 years that they included buyer addresses on the end of auction email, none related to that (one was inadvertantly swapping very similar items and sending each to the wrong buyer, but having access to buyer details in the end-of-auction email did not cause that).
It would be convenient to be able to confirm from the end-of-auction email that I actually sold items this morning to Spain and Japan, but in Ebay's wisdom that is not information that I need when making initial contact with the buyers.
I guess that I am a dinosaur, who wants to do things in the most straightforward convenient and efficient way, and that I am not the type of seller Ebay wants. While I finally got my stars up to a full rack of 5 stars, after being on 4.9 since the introduction of the star system (which is allegd to be an acheivement when a decent proprotion of your business includes international shipping), last month I lost Top-Rated-Seller status on the American site, and last night I lost Top-Rated-Seller status on the UK site. As I said Ebay doesn't really want my type of scumbag seller - I am not really sure how to get myself up to standard, but I do know that Ebay finds my business unsatisfactory, and will discourage the way that I sell and list. At least it stops one getting a big head when they finally reach the 5 star rating.
Sorry to turn this post into an unrelated rant. Discovering that chunks of my International postage rise by between 30% and 40% next month, on the same day that I am disqualified from Top-Rated-Seller status really makes me feel like I am on a losing battle to run a viable business or keep a decent reputation. Ebay making buyer information harder to access before contacting the buyer only adds to that frustration, but as all have pointed out that only reflects the irresponsible way that I conduct my business.
Kevin (frustrated, not depressed - in case that comes across as depression)
on 27-09-2012 02:33 PM
I have just spoken to eBay technical support and they know nothing, not really surprising since I have never had any satisfaction when contacting them. But this new policy makes my life harder when packaging stuff, having to go from my emails to invoice pages and back again just adds time. I don't like it at all.
on 27-09-2012 07:45 PM
would like to check but haven't sold anything for so long, my info is probably out of date 😞 - or it just seems that way; for what's it worth, my email for 25 Sept had the buyer's full address
on 27-09-2012 10:16 PM
I had the addresses missing for about the last 24 hours but with the last sale I just had the address is showing again.
It may have been a temporary glitch.
on 28-09-2012 06:13 AM
yes, of two emails last night, one had the full address, and one had none; just a glitch, but they were for BUY IT NOW items