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Buyer Pick up problems

Community Member

Hi all


I have a buyer being a bit difficult at the moment, over pick up.  Or am I being a bit rigid?


Had an auction end on Saturday, but as we both work very long hours, weve very busy that day.  I am one that does NOT check emails on my phone, as I have my own domain email hosting for our businesses.  Laptop is far more efficient for me, a   phone does not have enough functionality.  We got home late to find an email from buyer wanting to have picked up that day.  I emailed apologies and asked them to nominate another time.


Buyer said ok, will pick up next week.  I did not hear anymore, after sending invoice again, so opened an UID on Thursday.  Buyer sent rude email and paid via Paypal "seeing as I was in a hurry to receive payment".  He then said he could pick up that evening; I said that was fine.


Now have four rude emails from buyer this morning stating he tried pick up; I was obviously avoiding it, so to refund him immeditately.  He did not nominate a time for pick up (which I expected in response to my previous email) and we were home all evening.  I asked him if he had the right house and if he rung the bell.  He said "yes, no. 8 and I honked the horn"  Really???  Who honks the horn for a pick up?  It was very dark last night, raining heavily and we live in a house that is set right back from the road; kind of a battleaxe block.  I cannot see the street from my front door and certainly cannot hear it.


I am rather ticked off at his manner and not inclined to issue a refund.  I suppose this is more of a rant than a problem, but what would be the most correct way of handling this?



Message 1 of 16
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Buyer Pick up problems

hi I have had thousands of pick ups and never come across a buyer like this , I always ask for an aprox time , and if buyers are running late they always contact me ,  but they dont blow there horn . as I said ask for an aprox time , if they only give you a night , ask again for an aprox time.and make sure they sign the invoice

Message 2 of 16
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Buyer Pick up problems

Trying to see this situation from both points of view & it sounds like there have been a few misunderstandings.  Hubby & I sell our own garage sale type stuff (so not very much) on another ID and because of the nature of the items I stipulate Cash on Pick Up.  It saves on fees, but more importantly as they are second hand items, it gives the buyer more confidence as they have the opportunity to inspect before paying.   (I also allow inspection prior to purchase of some items).   I know that COPUp negates Buyer & Seller Protection, but it has always worked for us & buyers have always seemed very happy with the arrangement.  I do understand finding a mutually suitable time can sometimes be difficult, but I've never experienced any dramas.  (I also ensure I let the buyer know - to drive up our driveway as we are on acreage & that we don't have yard dogs & I always ask for an approximate time they are likely to arrive but tell them not to stress if they run a bit late)



"yes, no. 8 and I honked the horn"

I can totally understand the buyer honking their horn in the circumstances you have described.  You live on a battleaxe block, it's night time - dark & raining, they have rung the doorbell (?) & when they received no response they have honked the horn.  Still no response - they have gone home cranky & frustrated (in the rain) and without their goods which they have already paid for and wondering if they have been taken for a ride.  Sorry, but if that were me, I would probably be annoyed also.  And if I were in your shoes I would be feeling very embarrassed and annoyed at myself (no offence intended).


So, I would now be extremely apologetic for having inconvenienced them, explain your reasons for not having heard the door bell or the horn and agree to a refund if that is ultimately what they want.  In an attempt to make amends I would also offer the alternative of delivering their goods personally if they still want them, but would also totally understand if they refuse that option.


Just my thoughts and I'm sure by now others will have responded, because I'm a slow typer Smiley LOL


However you handle it, I hope everything works out satisfactorily for both you & the Buyer



Edit  :  Just re-read your post (and joe's response) and do agree there was no need for the Buyer to send 4 rude messages - 1 stating the facts & in the circumstances requesting a refund would have been sufficient.  Perhaps he was expecting an explanation from you regarding why you apparently weren't home ??



Message 3 of 16
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Buyer Pick up problems

joe, I honestly think the lack of communication prior to pick up has contributed largely to this situation.  I am a buyer and a seller and I can totally sympathize with the buyer on this one.


Already paid,

(Who knows how far they had to drive) 

Night time pick up from a battleaxe block in the dark & rain, Seller expecting me but no response on arrival, I would be annoyed & also wondering if I've been scammed. 


I am certain that is not the case, just saying how I may see it as the buyer . . . . .

Message 4 of 16
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Buyer Pick up problems

hi what you said is posible , the seller had asked for a time ,the buyer did not give a time  , is the seller supose to stay up all night , how silly of a buyer going to pick up a parcel whithout a time frame , also you cant have pay on pick up on your auctions  as you must have paypal as a payment methhod , i mostly do pick ups and 25 % pay by paypal  75% pay on pick up .its up to the buyers .

every pick up must be by apointment time by both parties , you cant expect a person to stay home all day ,thats why a time frame is a must, and if this bloke biped his horn has the buyer ever heard of a phone . would you not have the detaiks with you if you were picking something up , many of times buyers ring me with extra directions as they are on there way. 


Message 5 of 16
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Buyer Pick up problems

@joethenuts wrote:

hi what you said is posible , the seller had asked for a time ,the buyer did not give a time  , is the seller supose to stay up all night , how silly of a buyer going to pick up a parcel whithout a time frame , also you cant have pay on pick up on your auctions  as you must have paypal as a payment methhod , i mostly do pick ups and 25 % pay by paypal  75% pay on pick up .its up to the buyers .

every pick up must be by apointment time by both parties , you cant expect a person to stay home all day ,thats why a time frame is a must, and if this bloke biped his horn has the buyer ever heard of a phone . would you not have the detaiks with you if you were picking something up , many of times buyers ring me with extra directions as they are on there way. 


Points taken joe.  I don't list Auctions, and wasn't aware you can't have Pay on Pick Up as an option.   I list BIN and offer Cash on Pick up as an option on them so thought you could do it with any listing.   Would have thought with an Auction that could at least be incorporated in the description if not allowed anywhere else.  (The buyer hadn't paid until they were sent an invoice)


Totally agree - a simple phone call on arrival would have solved all the problems Smiley Happy  I always make sure I give Pick up buyers my mobile number in case they need it.



PS  There have been many mentions on the Boards of messaging problems lately too, so that may also have contributed to the whole fiasco.  I received the same message 4 times from one Buyer & another Buyer received my message 3 times and thought I was being impatient - not good for business Smiley Mad

Message 6 of 16
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Buyer Pick up problems

you can put cash on pick up in auction and bin , but you must have paypal as an option , in anything you sell.

Message 7 of 16
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Buyer Pick up problems

HI mbs


I have had dozens and dozens of pickups from this address.  The house itself is not hidden from the road and most people do drive up at least some of the way and then come to the door.  All my other buyers have managed to provide a time frame and actually knock on the door, as common manners would dictate.  There was  no "Still no response" He did not attempt to knock, or get out of his car, as stated in his email - just honk.  Our neighbours have young family with new licenses, I would say thereare a few horns honking occassionaly and I was not expecting a horn honk - I was expecting someone to TURN UP and collect goods.  So no, i am NOT embarrassed at all that I did not hear an unexpected noise outside in the street.


I had emailed this buyer 3 or 4 ties, with no response - hence the unpaid item reminder.  I cannot park myself at the front door all evening just waiting in case someone out in the street honks their horn.  How many of you exit your house every time you hear a horn sounded?  


I also stipulated Cash on Pick Up preferred - the buyer chose to do Paypal.  I also state in my listings that inspection is welcome and questions answered.  Also this buyer lives in the same suburb as myself -less than 4 km away.

Message 8 of 16
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Buyer Pick up problems

Thanks joe, no time stipulated from the guy, so no waiting up all night from me.  I did have postage stipulated on this item, but also allow pick ups.  This buyer chose not to pay for postage and to pick up the item.  I would have thought having made the decision to pick up, that he would actually get out of his vehicle and PICK UP.


Both of us home and didn't hear a sound and no phone calls either.

Message 9 of 16
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Buyer Pick up problems

I would be tempted to give the buyer their refund. To avoid bad feedback (from their point of view they have done nothing wrong).


Although they could still leave neg feedback even if you  did refund.

Message 10 of 16
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