on 12-03-2013 02:06 PM
Someone made a fake ebay account and bought my item but hasnt paid. He marked it as paid but he hasnt.
I can tell he isnt planning on paying because his user name is random letters and numbers and his join date was today so its obviously a fake account. Do i really gotta wait 4 days to relist because someone decided to waste their time and make a fake account to mess with me ?
I dont understand why ebay cant just have an option to not let anyone with 0 feedback purchase. The amount of people i've come across that didnt pay is annoying and most were 0 feedback accounts.
on 12-03-2013 02:23 PM
are you for real?
everyone starts with 0, even you did
Yes you do have to wait 4 days. You agreed to Ebays terms and conditions when you signed up. If you don't like it, sell your stuff in the local paper
on 12-03-2013 02:44 PM
Its obvious that this barely happens to you.
If you sold the items i sold you would understand where im coming from.
ebay needs to come up with something to stop people from buying items but not paying.
Its not fair that people can go and make multiple accounts and buy things but not pay for them and not get in trouble for it.
on 12-03-2013 02:49 PM
You can stop 0 feedback members from buying from you that ebay have put in place.'
You just need to put the blocks in place.
To put these blocks in place hover your mouse over account in your my ebay page and from the drop down click on Site Preferences then go down the list till you see Buyer requirements and to the right of that click on show then click on edit. From there you can put in place the blocks you want, to stop those you want to block from purchasing from you.
on 12-03-2013 03:26 PM
the OP id looks like United States
on 12-03-2013 04:03 PM
Have you signed into the Australian site by mistake ? Here we need to wait 8 days before we can close a NPB dispute and relist. Also you aren't giving your buyer much of a chance when your auction has just ended.
on 12-03-2013 06:52 PM
I can tell he isnt planning on paying because his user name is random letters and numbers and his join date was today so its obviously a fake account.
ystrdy13, when I saw your ID I thought that it too was random letters and numbers, does that make it fake? What is random to some is ordered to others.
on 12-03-2013 07:07 PM
Do i really gotta wait 4 days to relist because someone decided to waste their time and make a fake account to mess with me ?
What makes your listings so special that you think someone would bother to make a "fake" account just to mess with you?
And how do you make a fake account? What exactly constitutes a fake account?
on 14-03-2013 03:13 AM
Seller is in USA and sells shoes (joggers).. getting rather good prices for them too by the looks of things.
I think posting here on the aussie site was a mishap... lol
on 14-03-2013 09:36 AM
Instead of being silly and making assumptions, why not help the newbie, they probably opened the ID because they wanted the item you are selling, and may not know how to pay. Just send them nice message asking if they need help going through checkout? 🙂