Buyer received item. Item not working? (Australia)

Community Member

Hi everyone. 


I know there are tons of threads just like this one, but I couldn't find one for this particular situation which I will share and hopefully get some advice/opinions 🙂


About two weeks ago I sold a Portable/External Hard Drive to a buyer, well I should say they won it as it was an auction but anyway. I did not have the original box or receipt for the HDD but did mention this on my listing. I packaged the item very securly and safe. I wrapped bubble wrap around the hard drive and USB cable with lots of tape (the bubble wrap itself is a thicker one then usual for extra padding) and had the said items inside a safe padded parcel. Nothing could move and it could definitely take a hit or two and still be fine.
I also tested the hard drive on more than a couple devices to make sure it was 100% working which it indeed was. So I took it to Australia Post and away it went and they provided me with a tracking number.
So come to recently, the tracking number said the item arrived last Friday. But I get a message from the buyer the following Wednesday stating they have not yet received the item. So I aksed them to let me know which was their local Post Office as I'm more than happy to contact them to find out. I got no reply.
The following night, the package all of a sudden came so ok. Fair enough. But now the buyer claims the item is not working. There appears to be no physical damage to the hard drive, but the buyer claims it does not work. I have been back and forth with them messaging solutions and offering troubleshooting links which I have used in the pass. Whether or not they did this I don't know as all they replied back was "I want a refund as it's not working. I will send the item back to you AFTER you refund me."
So this is where I ask for your opinions/advice. What are my choices?
As I have said above, the item was 100% working. There does not seem to be any physical damage, the item was well secured and packaged very well. It was tracked through Australia Post. And now they want a refund before they return the item.
This particular buyer also has a few negative feedback with not being able to pay for items and also not returning items.
Any help is most appreciated guys 🙂
Many thanks!
- T
PS. Might be obvious but this isn't my main account. 
Message 1 of 23
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Buyer received item. Item not working? (Australia)

Yes, definitely have the serial number on hand!

Message 11 of 23
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Buyer received item. Item not working? (Australia)

Thankfully yes, I do have a photo containing the original Serial Number. It's the morning after and haven't heard from them since I told them they will have to send the item first and then possibly refund.
Message 12 of 23
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Buyer received item. Item not working? (Australia)


@designers*n*more wrote:

Firstly advise the buyer it is eBay policy to return the item to the seller before receiving a refund. Explain that a shop won't refund you until you give the item back, same applies here.


if you receive the item back and it is working, tell them you will refund the purchase price only MINUS any eBay fees as the item is working.


Another option, tell the buyer (if they paid via Paypal) to lodge a dispute via Paypal (better for you if they do it this way rather than eBays MBG) and to use Paypal's postage refund option. They need to opt in to it first I think before opening the dispute, and before posting the item back take a photo of the postage receipt and the parcel with the name and address on it that will come up during the dispute as Paypal will request BOTH.


hope this helps somewhat!


Good lord.. what the..?!

Message 13 of 23
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Buyer received item. Item not working? (Australia)

Community Member

Ok so now they have put a claim against me via Paypal and the buyer has now asked me for my address to send back.


Now my Paypal funds are way below the negative 😞


Does this mean they already got their refund or Paypal have put a hold on my funds?


Can anybody help as to what I need/should do?

Message 14 of 23
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Buyer received item. Item not working? (Australia)

The funds are on hold until the dispute is settled.

You should answer the dispute before the buyer escalates it to a claim and lets paypal decide the outcome.

Message 15 of 23
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Buyer received item. Item not working? (Australia)

what is the type of drive? and what operating system are they using? and hardware? does it make a noise like it's trying to read? Most USB type HD's should work on anything though.


I purchased an internal 3TB hard drive last year and it didn't work because my computer couldn't take that much data (XP). I might send it back for a refund. I wouldn't do that becuase I know I stuffed up.


I don't think there is anything you can do except sue someone. Talk to the buyer to try to resolve it though.

Message 16 of 23
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Buyer received item. Item not working? (Australia)

Well I have provided the buyer with my address, as they said they will express post the item on Monday.

Should I wait until I receive the item back to respond to the claim? Because all the options Paypal are giving me are the following:

- Issue the buyer a refund for the disputed amount of $12.34 AUD. The buyer can keep the item(s).

- Issue the buyer a refund for the disputed amount of $12.34 AUD. The buyer must return the item(s). Do not select this option for virtual/intangible items or services.

- Offer the buyer a partial refund in an attempt to close this claim.

- Provide proof that the buyer has already been refunded.

- Disagree with claim. I would like to provide additional information.

** The item actually didn't cost $12.34. Just an example.
Message 17 of 23
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Buyer received item. Item not working? (Australia)

I have never been on the seller's end of a dispute so I don't know what you can see.


The last time I did a paypal dispute the buyer and seller were able to correspond before paypal was bought in to settle it if there was no agreement.

If you can leave a message say you will refund when the goods are received back.


If you cannot leave a message then I would say wait till the goods arrive before doing anything.


Hopefully someone with experience in a current dispute situation will come in before you have to do anything.

Message 18 of 23
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Buyer received item. Item not working? (Australia)

Message 19 of 23
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Buyer received item. Item not working? (Australia)

Padi, since when is it policy to refund a buyer before receiving an item back.  


Point 5. confirms what I was saying.

Message 20 of 23
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