on 20-03-2014 10:29 PM
I responded with a welocme to pick up item as they are not too far from me. l also responded advising that I use satchel with tracking as they suggested brown paper and bubble wrap surely would cost 6-8 dollars!! They are yet to pay...worried I get a negative. I notice their sales are all pick up only!!!
on 20-03-2014 10:45 PM
Satchel with tracking, through Click and Send, is $7.10. Plus bubblewrap. What are you charging?
Brown paper with bubblewrap is $6.95 plus paper and bubblewrap. And has the same level of tracking as a blue and red satchel.
on 20-03-2014 10:51 PM
if they have not paid your invoice after 4days, open a non payer dispute, close it 4 days later and move on.
on 20-03-2014 11:02 PM
if the sale went through as Pick Up then this offers no protection for either party i believe.
on 21-03-2014 04:41 PM
I only sell a few things and go into the PO. The cheapest I have been able to send something was $8.95 and that was only in Vic. A satchel costs me 13.40 for everywhere else so I listed postage as 13.95. Many times I have miscalculated and been a few dollars out of pocket and with Ebay fees and Pay pal fees most of my items are minimal sales so...you can guess the rest. Anyway item was only a 10-00 sale.
on 21-03-2014 05:35 PM
Must be heavy or bulky items then. Or your PO is ripping you off. Australia Post Parcel Post satchels are fixed price Australia-wide (to next door or to the NorthWest of WA).
I believe the 500g ones are around $8.25, so you must be using 3kg ones.
on 24-03-2014 03:13 PM
Just to update posted item to Berwick in a Padded bag 2-20 and parcel post cost 8-95 total 11-15 so not far off the 13-95 I charged!