on 18-08-2020 07:41 PM
I've recently had a few buyers asking questions about items, when everything is clearly stated in my listings. Is it that they can't read, or do not bother? If so, and I give them the details again and they can't read or do not bother, am I just going around in circles? Should I just say "read the listing" ? (I would really like to add "if you can't read, get someone to read it to you") but I guess they couldn't read that to ask someone to read it to them. What a conundrum!
on 18-08-2020 09:19 PM
Considering 50% buyers use mobile devices listings appear different than a PC and newer buyers may not know the layout of the listing and where to find the description.
18-08-2020 09:21 PM - edited 18-08-2020 09:23 PM
I just grin an bear it now, usually. If the buyer seems like they'll be receptive to handy hints, I may include a "if it helps at all, you can generally find this info on the app by clicking to view full description, as it's not initially visible when viewing", stuff like that. Had one person get super offended by it once, though - it was an odd mix of "how dare you assume I don't know how to do stuff" and "how dare you be so condescending about stuff I don't know". ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I may have mentioned this before, but one of my favourite interactions (if one can call it that), was when a buyer messaged and asked "is this really x, or is it fake?"
In my reply, I confirmed it as real, and then included "I'm gonna be a bit blunt here, but if I was the type of seller to list fake X as real, I'd also be the type of seller to tell you it's real via message".
The didn't reply, but they did buy.
on 18-08-2020 09:21 PM
Totally agree. The 'Description' button is about 3 down from the top of the app. Really hard to see, assuming a buyer actually wants to click on it.
on 18-08-2020 10:54 PM
@jellybirddesigns wrote:Whilst it is an annoyance, in my opinion it's worth ones while to just be polite about it and answer accordingly.
I think some people are on their mobile phones and it may not be super obvious where the description is.
I doubt that was the excuse with the enquiry I got. The first thing you see on the app is the photo and the title. You can't miss it. My photo was of a green tea cup. The title said it was a green tea cup. No need to find the description. Yet they still felt the need to ask what colour it was? They deserved a sarcastic answer.