Buyers having trouble paying using frieght option

I sell an item by the meter (Under another seller account) . In the listing I say for  upto 5 meters postage is $1.40 then upto 10 meters $2.10 yada yada yada. and I have the postage options set to 'frieght' so I can send an invoice with the correct postage. Now this has worked faultless for months. But in the last week I have had  2 sales and 2 buyers getting a  'buying format is un supported' and they cant pay!


Has ebay changed something or is anyelse getting the same problem.

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Buyers having trouble paying using frieght option

Community Member

My postage option is also set to freight.  Had a few hiccups with buyers not being able to pay, because yes, something has been changed.  


The way around it is - put in your postage amount, then 'preview the information' .  This will then show words something like 'Postage via freight' (can't remember exactly).  Then click on 'Send Payment Information'.  AT NO POINT CLICK ON RECALCULATE.


Your invoice is then sent, with no problems for buyers paying the invoice.




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