Can I list items on ebay USA?



Can I list items in another counrty ( with my AU account?

Or do I have to set up a new account?



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Can I list items on ebay USA?

Community Member

Yes Campdozau you can. A few years ago I sold the last of my gold nuggets on American E-bay and got some really good prices, the Yanks just love West Aust natural gold. It was the best move I could make.

Good Luck.

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Can I list items on ebay USA?

You just need to make sure that you are logged into rather than when you list - your listing will be in USD, so if using PayPal, you need to make sure you can accept USD, plus make sure to read up on all the applicable policies, too, as there are some differences (eg offers Buyer Protection outside of PayPal's, which has some different requirements).


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