on โ11-01-2013 12:34 PM
Is there a way to automatically have eBay calculate free postage when a buyer spends, say, >$10 in my store?
on โ11-01-2013 01:00 PM
I had a quick look at a couple of things that may be able to be set up, but I've never done it so they're just suggestions.
In the markdown manager you can offer free postage as a promotion. But I think this won't be able to be activated by $ value of order, rather set as a time based promotion on whatever listing you want.
The other thing is your stores combined postage discount rules. I have seen it sitting on the side in the past but never used it as I do all mine manually, and I couldn't find it just now to let you know where it is. I think that might be your best hope.
Cheers - Wayne
on โ11-01-2013 01:34 PM
On the "Account" tab on the summary page select "site preferences"
For the line that says "postage preferences" click the "show" link.
Then click on the top "edit" button in that section.
Hopefully you should have a few options there for different rules.
The bottom one is the "Promotional postage rule (applies to all listings)
click create and you'll get a popup window where you can select the criteria you would like.
Set that and then you can mention the discount in all your listings.
on โ11-01-2013 05:26 PM
Thanks! That Promotional area is the one place I didn't look - I think I've set it up now, so I'll add something about it to my descriptions.
on โ11-01-2013 06:35 PM
Once you've set the promotional postage rule, you'll also have to add it to all current listings that you want it to apply to.
The easiest way to do that is in bulk via selling manager. Tick all the listings that you want to include in the promotion, click edit selected, then tick all of them to add the rule in one hit (I think it's via edit > Domestic postage, I can't say for sure because I just tried to verify with a couple of listings and I'm currently being taken back to my eBay summary every time I click on edit listings - presume it's a Friday glitch and will go back to normal soon).
on โ11-01-2013 10:05 PM
Yes I'm having a nasty glitch too - can't save a new logo to my store.
The Promotional postage rule says:
The promotional postage rule you select applies to all listings that have combined postage discounts (for both flat and calculated postage costs).
So I think it's automatically applied to existing listings? That would have to make sense to work at all, given that anything from my store has to qualify towards the $10 spend.
on โ11-01-2013 10:29 PM
Don't believe 'em, lol.
There are a lot of settings and preferences that say they apply globally automatically, but they never do. At best, the 'apply promotional postage rule' box will be automatically checked on new listings created afterwards, but you have to manually apply them to existing listings (the same applies if you remove options, like buyer blocks).
You'll know it's actually applied to a listing if the 'See discounts' link appears in the postage and payments section, and when you click it it will say "Get free postage when you spend $10.00 or more on all eligible items from charmony", or words to that effect.
It's also a way for buyers to see immediately which items qualify for the promotion and which ones don't (if they have the same rule applied in the 'See discounts' pane), and it will then automatically discount the postage when they go to checkout.
on โ11-01-2013 11:00 PM
I'm at the page you suggested in Bulk editing, but there is no option to apply my postage rule. In fact I couldn't find out how to name my Promotional Rule either, as eBay's help page on the subject talked about links that didn't exist.
The only options in the Domestic Postage section are about selecting postal services and prices, not applying the Promotional Rule that I set up.
on โ11-01-2013 11:11 PM
It let me go in to edit my listings this time ๐ - when they've loaded into the bulk editor, check the box at the top that ticks all listings, then click the Edit dropdown menu (there's two, Edit and Action).
When the menu pops up, click Postage Discounts (domestic). It will give you three options, but as this is a promotional rule, click the dropdown menu for Promotional postage discount and change No change to Add to all. Then save, then submit.
on โ11-01-2013 11:19 PM
Eek, I was in the wrong place - Domestic Postage instead of Domestic Postage Discounts.
Now my only problem is that revising the shipping will end the sales I'm currently running on a lot of items. Which makes no sense because the two things are unrelated. Oh well - I'll just reset the sale afterwards.
And - yay! Now I'm getting the See Postage Discounts link. Thanks for your help.