Can't invoice buyer, buyer can't pay...

Buyer's purchased four of my items, and wants a postage-combined invoice. Not unusual, so I boogie into "My Ebay" to get it sorted - and can't. "Resend invoice" is there, but I can't select multiple items and combine them. If I select "Send revised invoice", I get an error message.


So, I suggested that the buyer just pay the four lots of postage. Just got a message - eBay isn't letting her pay.

In "My eBay", all four items are showing as "Checkout complete", and I received four "I will be sending payment soon" e-mails.

What now? Do I cancel all four items, and get the buyer to re-purchase?

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Can't invoice buyer, buyer can't pay...

@casbit33 wrote:

It is really annoying that ebay has made this so hard. You would think they would want people to buy multiple items and make it easy.

I have had customers also unable to allow me to combine postage. I had some free listings so I gathered up those items making a brand new listing for them with the combined postage, so that was easy for the buyer to get it all with the combined postage.

If you have no free listings and you are able to revise them, you could just revise the postage on the items so that it ends up with the combined price. Or just refund as others have said.

Oh for the days when it all used to be so easy.

good luck

I'd be very wary of doing this because some buyers would take advantage of it and only buy some of the items, especially if you only revise the postage on some of the items.

Message 11 of 15
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Can't invoice buyer, buyer can't pay...

That's true, you have to know that your buyer is online and ready to buy before you do that, otherwise someone else could take advantage of it. You have to trust the buyer to do the right thing too. I still think making a new listing with all the items works better or refunding them.

That way you don't run the chance of being ripped off.

Message 12 of 15
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Can't invoice buyer, buyer can't pay...

The relistings didn't work either (same problem as the first time), so I took davewil1964's suggestion, and listed the four charts as one batch with a single postage fee - buyer's just bought and paid!


Thanks for the help, everyone!

Message 13 of 15
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Can't invoice buyer, buyer can't pay...

I have just had a similar problem.


We used to be able to send a revised invoice which would unlock checkout but now just get an error message. I can't see a way around it.

Message 14 of 15
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Can't invoice buyer, buyer can't pay...

The way I have found that works is to have your customer do it this way:


1. Add the items to the cart.


2. When all items are in request a total from the seller.


3. When request is received adjust price/postage and send invoice.


This works well but NOT through the app and you'll need to let your buyer know this.


The app can neither offer the cart in the first place nor respond to invoices sent.


The above system only works on desktop/laptop or via desktop or "classic" view on mobile devices or tablets.

ie when the mobile device is mimicking a desktop machine.


You need to make this quite clear to your buyer.


It seems only html versions of the site are capable, xml versions are not.


Alternatively, the app can be used to watch items; these will then be in the watchlist once a desktop is available later on.


It would seem as though eBay is deliberately avoiding combined postage on mobile so the app is only good for single purchases.

Message 15 of 15
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