on 11-03-2014 07:40 PM
OMG eBay it's been 9 hours and you still haven't fixed the problem.. You are costing me money time and effort!!
Nothing is working for me!! Grrrrrrr!
on 11-03-2014 07:51 PM
hi i am having the same problem..regarding listing items..
the standard option is missing in the description.. i can work with HTML .. however i CANT list when i cant add a photo
please fix this as soon as possible.. i called today and noone could tell me when this issue would be resolved..
we sellers cant sell until the problem is rectified.. please fix asap thanks
on 12-06-2014 11:57 AM
Oh, I thought it was just me!!! It's insane!!! I can't do anything either in regards to adding more quantities!!
Does this happen a lot, as I go to revise item, and it takes me to log in page, I log in, and NOTHING, I get the log in page again... I have tried everything!!!
It's the 12th June, midday here in Australia... come on eBay, it's been going on a while now!