on 06-04-2015 09:18 AM
on 06-04-2015 09:35 AM
on 06-04-2015 01:40 PM
See the other discussion forum thread re this eBay software glitch (below).
The glitch is not cured by changing the pop up blocker settings, and happens across many browsers (IE, Mozilla Firefox & Google Chrome). It seems to be un underlying eBay software defect / glitch, as yet unresolved.
Apparently this has been going on for some days now -
I see another post " The View Order details (which I used to print out after sending an invoice) can only be accessed once payment is made by PayPal; if your buyers pay by bank deposit and you mark it as paid, it is still inaccessible"
I don't know what ebay are thinking but it makes it harder and harder to have a good seller experience
If they pay by bank deposit you will have to rely on your email in your own provider to get the buyers address or pretend to "send invoice" without doing so to cut and paste the address.
And I use the Firefox ADblock to stop the silly car ad.
on 06-04-2015 02:51 PM
It's another "brilliant/carp" glitch,
Just go to Send Invoice or Resend Invoice,(the order details are there).
Then just click the back button or close the tab,(without sending the Invoice).