on 07-08-2012 04:12 AM
This thread is to discuss the Changes coming soon to eBay.com.au
These changes include:
Enhanced functionality for multi-variation listings
Show your item location to increase buyer confidence
Greater 'Item Condition' clarity for buyers
Share your listings through your social network
Changes to Basic and Featured Store subscriptions
Please be advised, off-topic and/or disruptive posts may be deleted.
on 17-09-2012 01:32 PM
Hate to burst your bubble digital*ghost but check out the Australian Government website. Its states just what I said
Ok, I stand corrected about the basic right, but that still doesn't mean that you can expect or demand eBay to publish your speech, in whatever form that takes. eBay, and these forums, is not a public arena.
on 17-09-2012 02:01 PM
Point taken digital*ghost 🙂
on 17-09-2012 11:31 PM
just wondering was there an email that was sent that the stores fee was to double ?? if so i never got it,
it would seem that i misunderstood when the store fee for featured store was dropped it was staying down permanently , to encourage more to list via a store , but doubling it after i think two months as a cheaper store.
if i knew it was going to double again i would have closed mine days ago, but certainly before the next month.
terribly dissapointed, but greed and profits come first dont they.
on 18-09-2012 12:45 AM
Yes there was. And an announcement.
on 18-09-2012 07:36 AM
I didn't get any email either.
I knew the fee increase was coming through reading the forums though.
I just checked back through my eBay inbox and the only emails from eBay were my monthly store/fees invoices!!!
on 18-09-2012 08:31 AM
it is up to every ebay user / buyer or sellers / to read the ebay announcements board at least once a week.
then they will be up to date with every change ebay are making.
on 18-09-2012 08:55 AM
on 18-09-2012 08:59 AM
This is THEIR site..oh please...We the people are eBay. If it wasnt for us there would be NO Ebay
Regardless of whos site it is anyway we Australian's have the right of FREE SPEECH.
Australians are free, within the bounds of the law, to say or write what we think privately or publicly.
The following types of postings are cause for immediate post removal, warning, board sanction and/or suspension from the site.
Using, or posting material to, eBay’s discussion boards to discourage others from using eBay or its related services (including PayPal).
Posting material about eBay or its related services (including PayPal) that eBay considers to be false, misleading or inaccurate
Using, or posting material to, eBay’s discussion boards for petitions or campaigns against eBay or its related services (including PayPal).
POLICY http://pages.ebay.com.au/help/policies/everyone-boards.html
That's the Policy.Maybe that protects users against possible defamation charges ?
on 18-09-2012 09:11 AM
I think that we all agree to abide by all ablicable Policies and know and act according to relevant Acts and Laws (local,National and International) when we sign up as ebay members.Don't we?
on 18-09-2012 09:17 AM
The suggestion box is eBays Bermuda triangle. Suggestions sent there disappear without trace. :^O
As regards freedom of speech, DG is correct. Australia has no explicit freedom of speech in any constitutional or statutory declaration of rights, with the exception of political speech which is protected from criminal prosecution though it is held to be implied and is part of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Australia is a party. This page explain it much better than the one linked to above: