on โ05-05-2013 06:09 PM
When I click on the'' Best Match '' tag to change it to the'' Lowest Price '' , the pull down notice is not working so at the moment it is only possible to view the Best Match and the listings showing in other orders is not possible . How long has this been happening and have others notice it ?
The '' Categories '' pull down tag is working but click -on the tag that changes the '' Best Match '' is not working .
on โ05-05-2013 06:13 PM
It's working for me-just tried it & all options show.
on โ05-05-2013 06:25 PM
Very unusual , I have have tried again and my screen won't change from '' Best Match '' yet everything else is working on the screen .
on โ05-05-2013 06:56 PM
I just tried mine and it is working okay.