on 06-06-2015 10:19 AM
I thought this was just a Friday glitch, but no.
A quick search to see where my items are sitting in results revealed that most of my 320 listings are not showing up at all (unless you type the item number. Excellent news).
A small percentage are, bizarrely, showing up as being "items from international sellers" (I'm definitely on the .au site and all item locations are listed as QLD).
eBay is supposedly looking into this problem, but I am pretty much kissing my long weekend sales goodbye at this point because no one can find my items.
Might be worth checking your own. I don't know if I'm just unlucky or if this is a widespread problem.
on 07-06-2015 08:35 AM
No, they're on another ID which I never reveal here. Sorry - it's not that I think you would do anything to sabotage me, but someone else reading might
Several friends (and the eBay rep on the phone) confirmed that they don't show up unless you type the item number. However, further investigation reveals that they are actually all showing up - but as "items from international sellers". So they don't show up in the initial search at all if there are too many Australian listings.
I did change my account over from the US site about 5 years ago, but I can't think of any other reason why they'd be showing up as international listings. I checked my Turbo Lister and account settings, and the item locations on my listings are all QLD, Australia.
I've sold one $6 item all weekend.