on 24-03-2013 06:01 PM
Why is there no area where sellers can contact buyers if they do not leave a contact number in "order details"
I'ts great that you can sell items, but it really pisses you off when buyers can't be contacted when they say they will collect something at a given day/time and don't turn up or pay.
It should be mandatory that buyers supply a contact number.
on 24-03-2013 06:03 PM
You can do a request for the members details to get the phone number.
Click on Advanced to the right of the search button then on the left click on Find contact information
on 24-03-2013 06:32 PM
simple, for pickup items, send an eBay message along the lines of "Please advise me of your home or mobile phone number so that I can advise you of the pickup address. I can SMS the address to you if you provide a mobile number". This puts the onus on them to give a phone number before arrangements are made for a time for pickup.
You could also put it into your listing description that you require a phone number from the winning bidder to organise a pickup time and place. Don't put that it will also aid contact if they fail to turn up at an arranged time.
on 24-03-2013 07:20 PM
Suggest you self report your OP due to coarse language & also suggest you revise you listing for the corner unit-VERY unprofessional comments in it.:|
on 24-03-2013 07:41 PM
Also - I haven't voted, not sure what I was voting for ?:|
on 24-03-2013 08:08 PM
Also - I haven't voted, not sure what I was voting for ?:|
I voted "Buyers". Why? Cause I can
on 25-03-2013 07:56 AM
but it really ****** you off when buyers can't be contacted when they say they will collect something at a given day/time and don't turn up or pay.
Perhaps they are awaiting it's delivery seeing as how you offer cash on delivery as a payment method!
on 25-03-2013 08:04 AM
You only have to look to find it ,
You can change your settings in "Postage preferences" to
'Require phone number for postage ,Yes"
Then they must enter a phone number otherwise can not go through checkout,PayPal etc.
or alternatively as others suggested you can all ways request their details.
on 26-03-2013 02:05 AM
Thanks, some very useful comments and advise.
I guess I vented my frustration of spending a day waiting for someone to arrive with no avenue of contact, which it appears from other posts, was my own fault.