09-09-2015 07:25 PM - edited 09-09-2015 07:29 PM
Hi ladies gents and others,
Well I guess we all get one sooner or later but it still is a big dissappointment.
A nutter has pooped on my perfect feedback. All over a $10 item (of course).
Story goes like this:
Buyer buys item. I send with 24 hours. No tracking as its only a $10 dollar item.
Next thing I know POW!
Buyer opens a case in the resolution center for not received (only six business days after it was sent to country NSW)
They send a love message too:
"Please ensure delivery by the close of business on 08/09/2015 or refund my money and compensate me financially for time you have wasted."
I immediatley reponded with apologies and an offer to re-send the item as soon as they confirmed iy hadnt shown up on the following Monday. I also sent them a copy of the photo. - I photograph all non tracked items after they are stamped at the post office.
"AVOID!!! Takes your money and does not send items. SCAMMER!!!"
Yep they neeged my perfect record, caused me the last defect I can afford and wrote this:
"The items have not arrived. Please apply a full refund and make compensation for my wasted time in having to deal with a rip off merchant with bad excuses in not sending what I paid for."
Thats right folks they actually are asking to be compenesated on top of the purchase price.
There we go folks.
Feeling sad and blue over a $10 sale and a nut case 😞
I can only assume thay are filled with fear or hate or perhaps both.
09-09-2015 07:33 PM - edited 09-09-2015 07:37 PM
Whoops got cut off editing.
I was going to say this is the first neg I have had in years. I have only ever had one other since 2005.
I suppose there are no ways to get feedback removed for unreasonable name calling or them asking for extra money?
I offered a solution the second I heard about the problem. This person just seems pure nasty.
on 09-09-2015 07:41 PM
you sure have got a nutter there ,not much you can do .
no good taking photos for ebay , its not excepted on ebay, they want tracking or signature,
but you could try phoning ebay sometimes they will let it go without tracking, you can only try , wait until you have contacted ebay before responding to the nutter on feedback. good luck
on 09-09-2015 07:48 PM
Unfortunately nothing they've demanded - although unreasonable - will probably count as feedback extortion. If they had said give me extra money or I'll neg you, you would have had a really good chance at getting the FB removed, but just going by the info here, I'd say it's sadly a long shot. 😞
As tempting as it probably is, the best thing you can do is engage as little as possible, block them from buying from you again, resolve the problem as best you can, reply to their neg (if eBay won't remove it), but don't reply to them as such, write a reply that's for all other, future buyers so they can see how you respond to problems (avoid calling the buyer names, even if they deserve it, or using caps etc).
Personally, I'd send them one, rather clipped and perfunctory message, explain exactly what actions I will take to resolve the problem, and make it clear no further action beyond that can or will be taken.
09-09-2015 08:05 PM - edited 09-09-2015 08:10 PM
I reckon I have just been too nice so far.
I sent the nicest message ever when they first contcted (by opening a case) and offered to immediately resend the item if confirmed it hadn't arrived in the post that day. I also attached the photo of their sent mail at the post office counter to prove it really had gone out.
I have been toying with something along the lines of "This person appear to be completely and totally insane" as feedback folllow up but I will definitely leave it a few days and come up with something more detatched and professional.
I am thinking of contacting the Head Office of these peole on the phone actually.
Its a charity that bought the item. That's what caught me so surprised. I remember thinking good thoughts about them as I sent it off as its an amimal rescue place.
Anyway this person seem to be a regional outpost of them so I might contact their head office and explain to them what is going on in their name. I would love to get that feedback revoked if at all possible.
on 09-09-2015 08:31 PM
Removable | These types of Feedback comments may be removed:
Might be worth trying to argue their comment as vulgar/profane (regarding the use of SCAMMER in all caps)??
09-09-2015 08:34 PM - edited 09-09-2015 08:37 PM
You could contact Ebay and send them the photos as proof of sending - leaving neg feedback is one thing, but that feedback is bordering on libel.
Id CALL ebay and ask to speak to a supervisor if you dont get anywhere, and dont stop til its removed.
They might not, but its worth a shot.
THEN, Id contact the head office of the charity, via an ONLINE EMAIL FORM (they must have one via their website somewhere), and let the person know (name them) that their feedback re: *item* purchased and sent to *buyers charity address / email* has been reported to Ebay and they have removed it due to its inappropriate and aggressive tone, or they are considering its removal due to such (in case it isnt removed). Putting the address and name etc, will show the organisation that the buyer did this in the charities name, and whoever gets that online email form, will give it to their supervisor, who will report on it further. If its writing, it will be actioned in some way. Its a sneaky way of kind of remaining professional-ish, yet letting the organisation know whats going on. Just make sure the tone is formal and remains professional.
Thats what you could do... if you really wanted to do something about it.....lol it wont get the defect removed (unless they email you an apology and you show that to Ebay?), but it will see the buyer isnt such a **bleep** next time.
By the way, I live in rural NSW (as in RURAL - closet post office is a 40 minute drive, not just a country town), and mail still only takes 3-4 days. At 6 days Id be wondering where it was too. But they way they went about it was clearly inappropriate.
on 09-09-2015 08:49 PM
No worries saarzi.
I was going on how Australia Post have been seeming to randomly take much longer from time to time these days. I have had eight days to one suburb away in Melbourne. But honestly, with a $10 item like this, if there is any dispute I would just re-send without question. As you all know there is nothing in it after all the post and fees have been paid.
I called Ebay about this today (before the neg etc) and spoke to a supervisor asking what I should do as until then the buyer had opened the case but failed to respond to any of my messages re if it arrived and/or did they need a re-send. You see, it looked like they had probably received it and just left the case open. That was until they bowled me over with all the stuff above.
Anyway, I was asking about what the most recommneded course of action was in such a case, and the bloke (Ebay person) has just emailed me saying they are aware of what has happened and how I have been negged and to send him the photo at the post office. This may be a good thing . Its good that I had already contacted them but I dont hold tons of hope because I understand how heavily weighted the descisions are these days.
But it offers a glimmer.
on 09-09-2015 09:09 PM
If feedback is claiming you as a scammer and Ebay have it on record that you contacted Ebay ASAP re resolving this before receiving this fb, it is possible ebay could use their descretion to remove it, it does happen. Its when contact is make after the event has happened that it all gets grey and they default to not stepping in.
So yes a glimmer...will be good to heare the result.
How is this buyers fb history left for others?
on 09-09-2015 09:10 PM
did the buyer leave the neg before the expected delivery timeframe stated by eBay on the listing? If they did, then that too might work in your favour.