Credit card fraud on ebay international account payments?

Twice in the past 6 weeks our credit card that is only used for paying ebay fees at the end of the month has been comprimised? Has anybody had this happen via ebay system, we have used the card on ebay for more than 12 years and not had a drama till this last 6 weeks. Card was issued again and new number given to ebay and no other entities. It is not used for anything ever other than ebay?

CBA fraud department can't offer any clues how other than ebay must have a problem with security? Both times has been overseas that the online fraudulent transactions have been made. Is it possible to have ebay fees paid via bank transfer and not use a credit card?

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Credit card fraud on ebay international account payments?

You can have the fees be paid automatically every month by PayPal. Much safer.

If no balance in PayPal, just need to top it up before fees are deducted.

But you usually get a reminder from ebay 3-5 days before the fees are taken.

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Credit card fraud on ebay international account payments?

Thanks for that Kopenhagen5, am trying to get away from using paypal for anything at the moment due to the fees, that is another story yet to unfold. Have to fax proff that we are a merchant account and only take cards, bank deposit or cash on pick up so we can reduce fees, the fax number provided does not work....funny that. They set the rules and the hoopes we have to jump through then don't let us? Ebay at its finest.

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Credit card fraud on ebay international account payments?

The only other option I can suggest is to link a debit card, seperate to your other accounts and top that up for fees.

Have the option closed for the account to go into overdraw, then if anyone tries to access it with a greater amount than the balance, the payment won't go through.


I have a debit card linked to PayPal for  all my internet dealings as I don't like internet banking.

Recently my PayPal was accessed by someone in Russia and debit card was drawn on only because the bank had neglected to turn off the option to overdraw. PayPal credited my money back and I have now turned off the overdraw function. Only leave 20 or so in the account to pay the monthly 5 fee and top up when I need to for purchases.

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Credit card fraud on ebay international account payments?

If it has happened twice in the last 6 weeks then there is a possibility you have a virus, key logger or trojan horse on your computer. Could you have clicked on a link in a phishing email or used any free gaming programs etc as often these will load your computer with unwanted carp.


You should do a deep clean using something like Housecall, best run with System Restore disabled because they often hide the nasties in there so they just reinfect.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
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Credit card fraud on ebay international account payments?

My preferred antimalware program is Malwarebytes Antimalware. A free but very effective program. It detects things that others don't. That said, no one antimalware program can detect them all. I have around 8 different ones on my computer and 4 different virus scanners (but only one active otherwise they can cause issues). Every few weeks I run them all. If I think I have something that nothing is picking up I run them all in safe mode.


There is another one that I use from time to time called Rogue Killer, but you have to know what you are doing with that one, else you could delete stuff that shouldn't be deleted and wreck the computer. Not advisable for the average user.


A couple of good ones just for general junk clean up, Wise Registry Cleaner and Wise Disk Cleaner (far and away better than Carp Cleaner). Most of the time registry cleaners are only needed if you delete things (gets rid of the fragments that don't delete when you delete photos or programs), but it still helps general performance if run every few weeks as a matter of course. Neither of those programs are antimalware, but good to have on board as part of general maintenance.


OP, I would suggest downloading and running the ones I mentioned (except Rogue Killer) and also the one that PJ mentioned (you can never have too many!). It sounds to me like you have something on your computer that is stealing your information. Until you work out if you have or not, change all your passwords on your phone with the phone disconnected from the home network. Banking, eBay, PayPal etc. Don't use any passworded sites on your computer until you are happy that you don't have something on there.


There is a particularly nasty virus that has been getting around for the last few months called Poweliks. Usually caught by clicking links in emails, but there have been some reported cases of people getting it from websites. It's a very malcious virus that sends all your personal stuff to somewhere in Russia. They can see absolutely everything you do, including messages you leave in this forum and any other sites you have visited. A quick check to have some idea if you might have that one without a scan, open up task manager (right click on task bar and select task manager).


If you use Windows 7 or earlier, select the processes tab and click to show all processes. If you use Windows 8, select the second last tab (can't remember what it's called!). Look for a process called dllhost and/or dllhost*32. If you have multiple instances of that and they are using a lot of CPU (15 or over), then that's what the issue is. It's hard to get rid of, but it can be done. 


Good luck! I hope you can get to the bottom of it. Also a good suggestion about only having an empty Visa debit card attached to your account too.

Message 6 of 8
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Credit card fraud on ebay international account payments?

Thanks all for your suggestions and help.....have a plan to find out which is the leak, if it is my bank or ebay. My IT guy has our server well covered and is not due to our system. I find spybot very good at getting some malware but can have issues. Debit card now with very little balance so we will be safe.

Message 7 of 8
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Credit card fraud on ebay international account payments?

Its extremely unlikely that the issue is with Ebay, simply because of how a hacker would need to get into Ebays servers to find your credit card details. Ebay isnt unhackable obvously, but it would be detected immediately and they would have access to thousands of credit card details, not just yours.


An Ebay staff member *might* have access to it, but unlikely. 


You almost certainly have a virus or keylogger, which has compromised your personal computer.  Scan your computer with three or four DIFFERENT anti virus and malware / spyware software (you can use free online scanners such as microtrend or panda, and download something like Adaware, if you get really desperate I can help you with HIJackThis or manually remove anything for you).  Either way, DONT *just* use McAfee or Norton - if its a any type of good malware, they wont pick it up.


Changing you CC details or using Paypal wont help if you have any type of logger virus on your computer - you still need to update your details in Paypal, and the logger will capture the new details again.

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