Customs Forms - Price & Contents

Does everyone suffer this issue?


So often after an international sale I receive a message thus , “Please mark as a gift and show value of $25.00” and this could be for an item anywhere up to about $500.00.


I know a lot of sellers simply don’t respond to such messages, but I do, and explain in the nicest possible way that we won’t falsify documents. I’m starting to include this same response in our FAQ’s, but we all know most buyers don’t read them.


I don’t want to be rude back to them, but find it rude that they’ve asked in the first place. There is no ‘fix’ I suppose other than what I’m trying now, but would be interested in how others handle this, because it’s happening way too often.


And good morning all. I hope all is well in your respective worlds 🙂



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Customs Forms - Price & Contents

I have - Only true values are declared on customs forms - in my description under postage.


If anyone asks I simply reply with - I always declare true values as it is illegal and hefty fines can be imposed on the sender making false declarations.


And I am always concerned about selling to someone asking for me to falsefy, they may try one on with a INR case.

Last one to ask me was put on my party list. (BBL)

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Customs Forms - Price & Contents

Hmmm? Never thought of the INR issue Kopes. Always tracked though and it usually happens with the higher value items, so I self unsure, but who wants the hassle.


Thanks for the heads up - that little message will go in the postage section - as well 🙂



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Customs Forms - Price & Contents

The last person who did that with me had made a purchase and left a note telling me to mark the value low. If it was eBay I probably wouldn't have done this, but I immediately cancelled the order and sent a message explaining why I am not able to meet their requirements.

I said it nicely, but it basically amounted to not being prepared to risk the future of my business so that they can avoid taxes.
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