on โ18-01-2013 07:31 AM
Hi guys.
I hope all is going well for you in these times.
Does anyone reading this have a DHL or FEDEX account ??
on โ18-01-2013 09:48 AM
on โ18-01-2013 06:10 PM
Out all day 'melting'.
Great news Cat !!
At this stage I only have a one-off
from a USA manufacturer.
Would I be better off getting someone with an account
to do a door to door for me ( slinging them something
for their efforts ) or just doing a one-off with DHL ?
on โ18-01-2013 08:34 PM
DHL can be expensive I think but worth it. The Chinese supplier I have uses them all the time and I have never had an issue. Sorry I can not give you prices as all DHL incoming is paid for in HK. But the thing I like the most is that I can track from wo (HK) to go (Aus) no having to wait until it hits Oz. They are always helpful, although do be aware they hand over to a third party for area's outside Metro delivery.
on โ18-01-2013 08:48 PM
Thanks Cat.
Looks like it's on a ship for mine.
One boxfull is $500.00 by DHL and I need 8 boxes sent.
The widgets only cost $150.00 per box...lol
on โ18-01-2013 08:58 PM
Wow, no WAY - there has to be a better way to go. I import for a living, if you want - PM me the sizes, dimensions - weights, info of the items, province it is coming from and I will see what my agent can do. Maybe I could chuck it on a container I have coming in. That price is ridiculous.