on โ27-07-2012 03:33 PM
Once again I must vent about this absolutely stupid system of DSR's on Ebay that sellers cannot even defend themselves against.
I applied to increase my selling limits but have been knocked back by Ebay as my DSRs are apparently below standard, yet all 4 counts are well within the standard required.
Postage time DSRs - sellers are getting penalised for Australia Post inadequacy - these should be based on when an item is sent, not delivered!
Communication - I answer all messages politely and on the same day, yet I am getting some low DSRs - I think that buyers just mark everything low if they feel like it.
Postage costs - all my parcels are marked Postage Paid so any low DSRs I receive here are based on assumption and not on fact. I do not overcharge on postage & handling costs and certainly don't make any profit on them, so really, what do buyers expect? Free postage?
Item As Described - this is a no brainer, I describe all my items exactly as they are so how do I receive low DSRs here? The only explanation I have is that buyers do not read the system requirements in the software descriptions and simply blame me if any software purchased is not compatible with their computer, even if it is due to them not reading the system requirements properly.
Add this to the absolutely unprofessional and disgusting practice of Ebay inserting sponsored ads at the bottom of each listing that is in direct competition to what you are selling, links to external sites yet sellers are not allowed to put a link to their own website on their listing.
Really Ebay, sellers are not the scumbags that you make them out to be, not all buyers are angels as Ebay seem to think they are and the entire Ebay system needs to be overhauled by some person who actually knows what they are doing!
Well that's it, I've vented my frustrations for another month!
on โ28-07-2012 09:46 PM
People are basically good.
Buyers are all perfect and are the best on here.
It is impossible for a buyer to be in the wrong.
Buyers are always right.
Buyers know everything.
Buyers are the best members much better than us.
cough cough ๐
on โ28-07-2012 10:15 PM
I don't understand why you want to increase your seller limits when you have had that account active for about 10 years??
Because the OP has had their selling limits applied, due to low DSRs. Not the average of the DSRs, but the quantity of LOW DSRs.
Read: http://pages.ebay.com.au/help/policies/seller-non-performance.html
Oh, and regarding earlier comments about one buyer trashing your DSR's...
To measure your overall performance accurately, we'll count 1 and 2 ratings only if they come from 2 or more buyers within any given evaluation period. If you have more than 400 transactions, 4 or more buyers must leave low detailed seller ratings before they are counted
on โ28-07-2012 10:47 PM
Well 3c...
on my main trading account I spotted 3 low DSR's for postage costs. 1 was from one buyer and the other 2 were from one buyer who purchased 2 items on the same day.
As I have stated, 3 negs from one buyer = 1 neg in feedback %calcs but
2 low DSR's from one buyer = 2 low DSR's in calc's.
on โ28-07-2012 10:52 PM
Prior to the 3 low DSR's showing there was 1 low DSR.
So much for DSR's being counted if from 2 or more buyers.
The lone low DSR was showing from 1 buyer.
It is therefore possible to accumulate a lethal number of low DSR's from one single buyer.
on โ29-07-2012 07:09 AM
Pretty silly comments regarding why would I want to increase my selling limits as I thought that was pretty obvious if you run a business.
I want to increase my selling limits as it is called growing your business, something that every business should strive for. I have found 3 new suppliers with a heap new products and want to increase my business.
Can you imagine if every business just stayed at the size that they started with.
In regards to the postage & handling DSRs I send everything in protective padded bags or boxes, so I already protect all my items to the best of my ability. But you cannot allow for the occasional inappropriate mishandling by Australia Post.
on โ29-07-2012 09:17 AM
things have been slow lately
scratch that sorry, got confused.
on โ29-07-2012 10:53 AM
Prior to the 3 low DSR's showing there was 1 low DSR.
So much for DSR's being counted if from 2 or more buyers.
The lone low DSR was showing from 1 buyer.
It is therefore possible to accumulate a lethal number of low DSR's from one single buyer.
The way I understand it is that the star rating is not updated every time somebody leaves FB but in blocks of 10, which means that you cannot guess who left it, and as Coops said and as i said, only one low rating by one person within certain time will count for your TSR. Not sure if the 6 one stars left by one person will chip your stars.
In any case, arguing about it here is not going to achieve much, looking how to improve your service is lot better option. When my postage cost star started to look bit motheaten (despite the fact I only charge the actual postage), I listed number of small light items with free postage.
If your TOS and description is obviously not getting through to people, re-write it. Make it as simple and short as you can; consider that some people use phones to buy, others may not have english as their first language
on โ29-07-2012 11:09 AM
Whereas the DSR's don't show when feedback is left
simply wait a while and you can find out exactly who left low DSR's but yes arguing here won't change things.
I found one this morning using ( as always ) a series of item number reports. Typically glowing postive feedback with a knife in the back DSR.
There was mention by ebay at the time this system was introduced of a watchful eye for abuse of the system by buyers.
So far a 'mention' is as concrete as ebay's watchful eye has proven to be.
on โ29-07-2012 11:15 AM
I have just received 8 x 1's - 2 items sold in late May - Positive even Glowing feedback given to me but 1's across the board x 2 items for books they received back in early June.
on โ29-07-2012 01:43 PM
"Hi arb, sparkes did apologise, so for you to carry on referring to the subject was not good form."
Allow Arb to make his comments. I do not believe in limiting someone's right to express an opinion. It only restricts debate and limits the free flow of ideas that could resolve a problem.
"Not sure where the apology has gone of course, but whoever arranged for it's removal has proven to me that eBay do most certainly NOT screen any reports, as there was nothing in the apology to warrant removal."
Um apparently it was rule 14: Posting item listing reports or member violations. I have contacted Arb privately and apologised.
I notice that patchoo has made a comment several times that if a buyer went into Harvey normals and looked at the software they wouldnt be covered as they are expected to check the minimum specs.
True enough but as the buyer can pick the item up and turn it over and read the information on the box and examine it personally, they do not have to rely upon the seller being their eyes and providing all of the information that is written on the box.
And a retail outlet still has to honour returns on products that are not fit for purpose. ( damaged and incomplete)
But back to the DSR's. IMO The system should be revised as I do not think it is the best way for a buyer to judge the performance of a seller.
The postage rating should have two components to it.
1.time taken to recieve item.
2.postage charges.
An composite score could then be calculated.
Sellers would likely have details of length of time to post from receipts for postage and could use this with eBay reviews if they feel the score is unfair. This could help to highlight delays in the postal system or in their poor preformance of posting in a timely manner.