Defects - eBay is a Defect!

In my selling name I recently cancelled 2 listings because of a relist lag, ie relists weren't showing & took some time to reappear so I chose "Sell Similar" then had to cancel those listings when the originals eventually appeared overnight.


&..... guess what! that has caused Account Defects & dropped me from Top Rated status to Above Standard......!


This is the most moronic convoluted set up ever! eBay is strangling itself with this idiocy!


Franky I don't give a sh*t about all their BS inteference however their tampering with listing visibilty obviously affects sales adversly but in effect they're cuting their own throat as no sales = no income for eBay via fees..... great way to run a business ay!

Message 1 of 21
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Re: Defects - eBay is a Defect!

Have you run reports to check what any new defects were for?  Are you sure it was defects that affected your rating?  Defects are not issued for cancelling listings, they are issued for what eBay consideres poor sales performance.  It seems more likley that the duplicate listings (for the short time that both sets were running before you cancelled them) were taken as a policy violation.  I would check your reports and call eBay for a "please explain".  Good luck, hope you get it sorted.


Message 2 of 21
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Re: Defects - eBay is a Defect!

I got a defect yesterday.  On checking it said it was for cancelling an order.  I got onto live help as I couldn't remember cancelling and after checking they said it was for an order I cancelled in February!     


I had to cancel an order at the request of a new buyer as they said they were having problems paying via paypal.  I cancelled and they purchased again with another id.


Why should I get a defect for that?       Can I appeal?


Thank you

Message 3 of 21
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Re: Defects - eBay is a Defect!

Its just really Petty Ebay.


One wonders if this same thingy is applied to their big business retailing friends.....

or if its just mocked on us.

Message 4 of 21
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Re: Defects - eBay is a Defect!

I'm sorry to say but yes defects are indeed issued for cancelling,same thing happened too me and now on the verge of being shut down due to defects received for cancelling so every seller needs to be careful how they cancel their transactions.

Message 5 of 21
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Re: Defects - eBay is a Defect!

No use appealing as the defects won't be removed,I have had 2 accounts shut already due to this ridiculous policy

Message 6 of 21
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Re: Defects - eBay is a Defect!

Cancelling a transaction is a completely different thing to cancelling (ending) a listing because you duplicated a listing.  I made a mistake fairly recently and did a duplicate listing, which was ended by ebay.  I got no defects for it but I'd imagine I may have got a policy violation.

Message 7 of 21
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Re: Defects - eBay is a Defect!

How many defects can a seller have before being stopped from selling and do they disappear after a certain time?

Message 8 of 21
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Re: Defects - eBay is a Defect!

Once you hit the 5% mark you will be stopped so it's not how many you get but the % rate.

You can see all your defects in your seller dashboard,it shows you where you're at.

Message 9 of 21
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Re: Defects - eBay is a Defect!

This is interesting. I often get requests to cancel sales because people don't read the listing and are suprised when freight is more than expected (eg; some people think Gosford is part of Sydney). I cancel the sale as I'd rather not get a neg from an unhappy customer.


Does this mean even if the cancellation request comes from a customer I get a defect?

Message 10 of 21
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