on โ07-10-2013 10:56 PM
Ebays life blood is their sellers. They have continued to put up their fees and they are almost 10% of the sale price. Yes they are a buisness and they deserve right to make money. I beleive they are a little too greedy and are limiting the profitablity of the sellers. I beleive that if they make their fees 1/2 the cost then they will get more than double the amount of business. I would list at least twice as much as i do. How do you think Woolies and coles became mega rich? Not buy gouging the few, but by billions of small amounts. I really think ebay is a good system for sellers and buyers alike but come on Ebay, how about making a reasonable amount of money, and let us all do the same?
on โ07-10-2013 11:07 PM
define reasonable
on โ07-10-2013 11:18 PM
on โ07-10-2013 11:19 PM
Ebays fees are based on almost 10% of the amount a seller sells their item for and Woolies,Coles and the Aust Gov. charge a 10% GST on their goods and services so it's only fair that ebay do it also isn't it? Is there another competitor out there that can maybe compete along side ebay thus making the fees lower? Everyone has a choice and if your not happy with it then don't particapate it's as simple as that.
on โ07-10-2013 11:22 PM
Farmers get next to zilch that's why Woolies and the rest purchase from overseas so they can pay them zilch and make an even bi$$er profit.
on โ07-10-2013 11:25 PM
658 milion last 1/4 and sitting pretty with 11.7B in the bank. Its probably a little under target for them i'd say. Capitalists took the word reasonable out of their dictionary so its a futile debate, really i know.
on โ07-10-2013 11:30 PM
on โ07-10-2013 11:42 PM
I have no idea how much you sell but when I start selling again in November (I only sell for half the year) I anticipate my fees being a lot less than they were the same time last year if I list and sell the same amount of items.
on โ08-10-2013 08:59 AM
Absolutely mind boggling that some of you think ebay are fair to us sellers.
Fees are way too high,Hardly any traffic,unfair feedback system and the list goes on and on.........
on โ08-10-2013 12:06 PM
well then Hawker, why do you continue to stay here? You could always pick up your bat and ball and go play in someone else's sandpit.
Clearly the opportunity cost of you using the platform provided to you by eBay is of some benefit to you.